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So it has come to my attention that i'm somewhat of an idiot and didn't set up that Patreon Discord bot right. Sorry for that everyone D:     i just now fiddled around with some unrelatet settings and accidentially fixed the Patreon Bot. 

So, if you just randomly got invited into a Discord Server, that's why! Make yourself comfortable, get to know everybody and hope you have a good time on the server :)   See you there!

And please don't hesistate ever to get back to me if stuff is'nt working right or you don't get what you should get. As for the bot, i falsely assumed it was working right all this time sry :/



Do you have a fresh Discord invite link? The previous one expired I think. Thanks!


https://discord.gg/C3rPj6 Here you go! And PM me if it doesn't work for you with the Discord Role or anything! If the link expires again add me and i'll invite you directly - Kemonokun#1932