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Hello my friends. I hope everything is fine with you!

The next update is around the corner and I want to talk about it with you. Here is the probable Changelog for v0.1.14:

  • BULGES!!!!!!!!!
  • Edited “Char Creator” to “Family Creator”
  • Added Mechannics for Language Translation (Not fully implemented)
  • Save / Load chars
  • Chars Around the background (Not Lined up side by side anymore)
  • Cheats: Get the key to all houses
  • Limited number of people that will call you in the same day
  • Added NPCs starting interactions with MC (With mod possibilities) and config screen
  • City Config: Save/Load City Configurations
  • City Config: Added a config to choose to give or not relationships between neighbors at the start of the game.
  • Below age 21 chars will have real height smaller than final height to compensate aging

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed the text showing on ‘Ask for open relationship’ Interaction
  • Fixed bug generating hair models in city config
  • Auto Save Re-Enabling when restarting the game

As I said before, now we're in the phase to add "meat in the bones" of the game. And that's where the "NPCs initiating interactions" item comes in. I've added it in a way Mod friendly. So those interactions will bring live to the game and countless possibilities both in vanilla and via mods. Those interactions can be configured by the player during any time during the gameplay, both by chance and by tags. You can just turn off interations with the tags you don't like. Those setting can be saved in this update, so you just need to adjust everything once!

The tests already started last week and I'm about to send the final version for testers. I think around day 15 or 20 of this month I might release the update here for you!

Another thing I want to talk about is the final sprite version. The one for Live2d or 2dSpine and similars. I'm already doing some tests and soon I want to show you those tests and make a poll to define the final style for Influencing. I've been putting a lot of time in it but I'll comment in another post with more details. If you have any ideas or examples of styles you can always end it to me!

The final thing I want to comment is about a FAQ I'm creating. I'll post it on Discord. I was about to do this FAQ some time ago. I'm finally taking a time to do it!

This is it for now, my friends!

Once more, Thank you for your support to me and to Influencing. TAKE CARE and have an excellent week!


Brad Jones

Update Hypeeee


Hi Crow, how is the update going?