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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

Today I'm posting about some of the new features I'm adding for the next update of Influencing. I wanted to make a video about this to move Youtube a little bit, but I have the flu and my voice is low at the moment.

Anyways, After 2 updates with the possibility of play with 2 chars, I think we have a stable gameplay to finally add multi chars from beggining! I'm loving this and I'm sure you players will love this as well. This was one of the most asked features for the game since ever. With this, I'm adding the possibility of Save/Load your chars from persistent data!

For now I'm not adding the export/load char as a data, but in the future I'll be doing this.

With this multi char system, I'm adding the 'family tree' as well. So you can start with married chars, etc.

Soon I'll be sending this version for testers and the next update probably will not take more than 1 month!

Beside this change (that is already huge!) I'm finally adding a change that I had planned since the start of the game.

When I was creating Influencing, I was learning how Ren'py works, and I didn't have my system fully structured. Not even the idea. But I knew that I wanted the characters to be around the map and interacting with it. Until now, all chars on map just appear lined up side by side. Now I'm finally implementing this:

The idea is to have characters doing things in room, and when you hover the char, a tab will show what you can observe from that char. If 2 chars are interacting, it will be possible to do something about it (Not in this update, for now).

I'm still thinking what will be the full content of the next update. It depends on what I'll be able to do. What I know is that I'm already loving the new changes (and this is me talking as a player... Haha)!

Anyways. This is it for now, my friends!

Once more, Thank you for your support to me and to Influencing. TAKE CARE and have a great weekend!




Really nice things for the next update :) And i hate to be "that" person again but: we really need more events where if conditions met random sexual stuff between npc/npc and also npc/player can be triggered throughout the city or people are not motivated to play the game for a longer period of time *shrug* I´m talking about events, like seeing your Gf taking someone else out for a walk on a leash while you check places throughout the city just as an example (e.g. if condition dom rough cheat gf + mc sub etc) So all this influencing their stats needs to be good for something otherwise it feels empty to the players and they loose interest. We have some beach and shower random events for the exhibitionist stats and some for cheat but nothing really substantial has been added for many of the other influenced stats. I know drawing those scenes and writing would take alot of time but it had to be said <3 thank you

Jazuke Taizago

Can you also customize all their fetishes and etc, like everything? And can you also add Characters who will be populated into the Random Generated World through the Character Creation tool. For example: You don't put any Futa/Trans in the Generator, but you make one in the Character Creation tool, and will be put into the World, along with your other Characters, and roam around freely and not a part of your "Household" as Sims puts it. Since right now, there is no way to fiddle around with existing Characters after Generating the World and playing it.