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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

I'm here today to announce the result of may's poll. The result was by far convergent, wich is good!

I've asked you about transgenders chars in Influencing and gave you some options.

Here is the result:

So, women with dick it is. I'm already working on it in parallel with the update 0.1.4. Trans women will be added on Influencing on v0.1.5 (Probably July)!

I slowed down the rhythm of posts because i'm working on some 'non visually impressive' things at the moment. But soon i'll be posting some images! I'm planning to release v0.1.4 on the second half of June.

Good good?

This is it for now my friends. Take care and have a good week!


Myles Burris

Keep up the fantastic work. I hope you're in good health.