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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

I'm here again to let you know about our next update!
The next update will be a mix of graphic and code update. I'm working on so wished toys finally! At first it will be strapons for female chars. I think it's a good start. With time I'll be able to add new toys and mechanics in sex action.

The second focus of this update will be HAIR. Pubic hair, body hair. I've started it for v0.1.3 but I could not finish it in time to add it. Now for sure it will be on v0.1.4! I'm thinking about make it something that need maintention. What I mean is, this hair will grow up with time and will need to be shaved. I want opinions on that please...

I want to work more on graphics. Unfortunatelly I could not delivery what I wanted on v0.1.3. Let's see what can be done with more time. Things are getting better and slower for me now and I'll have more time to relax making Influencing!

I'm seeing a trend in this month's vote and it is giving me ideas. Hehe.

Anyways my friends. Soon I'll be posting new images for you and comment about new pose options. Good good?

This is it for now my friends. TAKE CARE and have a good week!



Regarding the pubic hair, if you succeed in having them growing, it will be a revolution as I dont remember having seen such a thing in games :) This said, if I may add my two cents, please dont take too much of your time for this if it keep you from working on new interactions between the Chars (Family members, old/young, jalous, dialogues) wich are for me the main spirit of the game.

Myles Burris

I think letting the hair on character grow over time and be maintained ( if they so choose) is a great idea, and would you also add questions regarding the hair, like asking how hair someone is or if you have high love/friendship with someone you could ask them to shave or grow something out, also while I love the aspect of hair I do agree with Bcool that the game should come first.

Golden Crow

And this is a interesting point! I might focus in relationships on v0.1.5 or 0.1.6 for sure! Thank you!

Golden Crow

The body/pubic hair growing up is something 'simple' to be done. The idea behind it is exactly the one you mentioned! Btw thank you for your pov. I might focus on interactions in the upcoming updates. :)