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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you.

Without further ado, I noticed (barely) that everyone is hyped for the new update. Finally, the tests began and I have a date for you. The next release will be on 29/05/2024 on Patreon and one week after for the public. Maybe in less than a week, since the update took so long. Let's see...

In this update, many things worked, others didn't. As I mentioned previously, I had to make some changes in my personal life, which were difficult for me, but positive for Influencing. In the end, this was the biggest update I've ever done in terms of game content at once, implementing the basis of something that is the most requested by you: the pregnancy system. Beside it, we have new places, police, doctors, and many more.

And now comes the IMPORTANT part of this post!

As much as I try hard to not care about the external pressure on the development of Influencing (otherwise, I would be crazier than I already am), I like to keep the expectations in the right spot. And with all this hype created by my last post, I want to make it very clear what to expect from this update so that there is no frustration. Especially when it comes to art. So I will quote myself from my last post and show how things are going.

"The next update will be the biggest one in terms of content EVER! I'm adding Police, Hospital, maybe a park and some other stuff. Of course, most of it is basic and aiming for expansion."


"...these are just examples of arts and most of it is not added in game yet because I need to adjust it to fit in Influencing. I'm just giving you a glance of some possibilities. In due time, I'll be updating and adding new stuff, alongside the basics to make the game work."

With that in mind, this update will mostly include clothing modifications. I haven't made any changes to the characters' faces yet. Most old clothes underwent design changes or adaptations for new bodies, as can be seen below:

As you can see, the new ones are less "primitive" than the old ones. Besides that, I'm adding some new models. As promised, we have doctors and police:

And to answer another question that has been recurring, there have been no births in the game yet, just the pregnancy. I still haven't decided how to deal with births in Influencing and besides, the game time isn't even enough for a pregnancy, since the total game time, if I'm not mistaken is only a few months for now.

I think I covered the topics I wanted to cover and I hope everything was very clear so that expectations are not broken! Good good?!

So, I see you guys on day 29 with our much-anticipated update!

This is it for now my friends! Once more, thank you for your support for me and for Influencing! Take care and have a good week!




Hi bro. What time does the update come out? Can not wait!


checking every couple hours for this update, cant wait to try it!