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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

Just a quick post to update you guys about the current state of the Influencing!

In short, I'm in "beast mode". With more time to work on "Influencing", I could finally set up some stuff that I had in mind, and damn... We are on the fly!

The next update will be the biggest one in terms of content EVER! I'm adding Police, Hospital, maybe a park and some other stuff. Of course, most of it is basic and aiming for expansion.

I could finally make a big jump in terms of art and I want to share some previews of the new art I've been working on:

Some basic clothes reworked.


Winter Clothes! Probably for a future weather expansion or something like this!

New Professor Uniforms!

New Students Uniforms!

Bath Clothes!

Sports Uniforms



A little bit of Goth Style

Hero Cosplay

Some D&D Vibes

Thematic Costumes

Sci-Fi Expanssions?

Star Wars

Zombie apocalypse

Link Cosplay! (Can you imagine if Zelda were a woman? lol)

Some new Hair Styles!

Of course, these are just examples of arts and most of it is not added in game yet because I need to adjust it to fit in Influencing. I'm just giving you a glance of some possibilities. In due time, I'll be updating and adding new stuff, alongside the basics to make the game work. (And maybe some addons?).

I want to release this update before this month ends, but with all the changes I made, it's taking some time to polish everything the way I want. Some things I'm still trying to figure out, but that's for another conversation. Due to the creative boom, I ended up adding some last-minute things and now I must manage it. Anyways, I ask you to have a bit more patience. I finally have time to find ways to cover my weaknesses in the game's production. Now I believe things are going to start to get really good. Soon we will have polls again. Another thing I'm checking out is special Discord roles for Patrons. I think it will be cool to have exclusive rooms so that we can have a more direct conversation than the one that Patreon resources allow us to have. In addition to the calls where I intend to show the work being done live, and with more freedom than Twitch allows me.

This is it for now my friends! Once more, Thank you for your support!

Take care and have a good week!



Draken Va

With a lot of luck the update will come this month xD


an update on progress would put us at ease

Jayson Vazquez

i am super excited to see this update come out and i cant wait to play it


Been looking for a ponytail hair style to be honest. A lot of these seem like great add-ons. I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Draken Va

Naaaa it's coming tomorrow that would be the killer xD