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Peaceful times can't last forever. Unexpected wars will take thousands of lives in a couple of days. The great storm will make huge kingdoms starve. The curses sent by the gods will change the ordinary life for hundreds of years, destroying families, communities, and nations. But even in such dark times, there are those who want more. They are ready to lead the others. They know that it can't end like this.
The Dark Times cycle will provide players and GMs with three regions that suffer from various disasters. Adventures can make them fight and go into great battles, force them to defend, search for resources, gather allies, and prepare for upcoming attacks.
It's up to you to decide what happens in your campaign.


Heroes come to their senses on an unfamiliar island in the stormy waters. The sea will not be quiet for a very long time. People are wounded and sick; food reserves are running out, and someone is watching the camp from the thick forest every night. Someone should go to the depths of the island, through the dense fog, towards the unknown. Someone should find the source of a strange sound coming from the volcano in its center. 

There are not many people who know about the foggy island. Even experienced sailors who heard the stories of its existence try not to mention it, as it's a bad omen.

Rumors. The stories about the island are controversial, scary, and full of hints. The pages torn out from the diary of a renowned voyager tell about a strange place full of tenebrous fog, appearing in certain circumstances at a certain time. A mad sailor will speak of a terrible rumble that can be heard in the open waters. An old captain, holding firmly the symbol of his deity in his hand, will quietly talk about the beautiful singing that he sometimes heard in the ocean. It fogs the mind, leading ships into unknown waters where they perish. A visionary at the mountain's top will only warn of the "giant monster", silently waiting for its victims.

Journey into the unknown. Whatever heroes know about the island, one thing is certain - they need to get there. What could make them go on such a risky journey? 

1. Missing ship with a character that is important for the heroes.
2. Treasure hunting.
3. Search for a rare ingredient that will save the life of someone who the heroes care about.
4. Personal order of the king.
5. Search for the island as punishment for crimes.
6. Without purpose - everything happened by accident.

Having equipped the ship and having found an experienced and fearless captain, the heroes go in search for a mysterious island.
The search. Searching for the mysterious Island of Fog is not easy. Here, the heroes will benefit from what they learned and found before the journey. Vague instructions, a fragment of the map, the shining star, the use of magical knowledge - anything can come in handy.
The right way. Long days and sleepless nights have come to an end - the heroes have found the right way. Now they know the direction and the island may be located not far away. 

1. Every night at a certain hour, a pair of green lights shines in the distance, luring the heroes in.
2. Horrible dreams about their deaths will help the heroes detect the wrong path
3. A distant, inhuman rumble will tell the heroes the right direction.
4. Unusual bursts of waves, coming in different directions, will direct the ship to dangerous waters.
5. Rain from dead birds will be a harbinger of proximity to the target.
6. Dangerous sea predators, in madness, will try to attack the ship, protecting the secrets of these places.

The last sign will be the charming song that everyone on the ship will hear. It's unique for everyone, but it won't leave anyone indifferent If someone tries to resist it - the rest of the ship's crew, fascinated by the melody, will do their best so that he doesn't prevent them from navigating the ship directly to the sound source. Clashes and attempts to awaken the crew will turn into chaos; the ship will become incontrollable and go into a thick fog. The last thing the heroes will see is a huge shadow reaching the sky that hangs over the ship. The beast, the sea monster, the devil of the sea,he had a lot of names, - will break the ship in two with a wave of his tentacle.

The heroes come to their senses on the banks of the Island of Fog. From now on, they will have to think about how to escape from the mysterious island and stay alive. From the first day on, the heroes will face a lot of issues that need to be solved and their number will increase every day. 

1. The ship's been destroyed. It takes time, resources, and people to repair it.
2. The sea is stormy and will not get quiet soon.
3. A part of the crew is missing.
4. The food reserves will run out in a few days.
5. Many crew members are wounded and sick; they need help
6. A strange rumble is heard from a distant volcano.
7. The heroes feel that someone or something is watching them.

Soon the heroes will realize that exploring the coast is not enough to survive. They have to go deeper, through a dense fog, towards the shadows that are watching them so closely.



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I slightly changed the map and updated the archive. Enjoy!