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We're not off to a great start this year; Phil got this one done kind of late again, so it might go up as line art. Well, Cheyenne is working on it.

In the meantime, our cleric kitty has been arrested and the guards are messing with the holy can opener/staff. Not a great idea.

I'm still trying to get the paperwork in my office sorted out. It's less than knee deep at least, so I'm making some progress. 

Ok I'll be back when there are colors! Thanks, all!




Robert S

Hold up- hold the fuckin phone. That's fuckin Wooster on top of that cage thing

Brian Harvey

I don't think so. I'm not even sure why you think it looks like him, but in any case, if Wooster came back to life, he wouldn't be used as a lab tech; that's not his forte.


@Robert S: I didn't make the connection initially, but when you made your comment, I immediately realized you were thinking of Wooster in this particular disguise. I didn't have time to look up the pages in the comic where Wooster appears as "Goggles Monk" (as he is referred to in the wiki chronology), so I appreciate you posting the link - and, now that I have finally looked at it, I am surprised at how much the the character on today's page does look Wooster in that disguise. However, I'm sure it isn't supposed to be Wooster, and, if it is, I will be disappointed in the Foglios. (If Wooster's going to reappear, he might as well be accompanied by Lars.) I think this is a case of artistic habits coming into play. Phil has certain default face/accessory combinations that he uses in Girl Genius when the character isn't particularly important and, in this case, Cheyenne chose a color palette for the current character that, by coincidence, closely matches Wooster's "Goggles Monk" disguise.