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I keep staying up far too late, well into the wee hours, then I wake up late and miss a lot of the daylight. This is not a great way to do it. 

In December, I was at an office store that was going out of business, getting my TSA precheck renewed. I bought one of those calendar books that has the whole month in little squares, and it also has larger sections for each day. I've been once again trying to make notes about what I do every day, just to answer my ongoing question of "Where is my life going, anyway?" So far, I've been able to fill things in with only a couple of misses or catch-up notes. It's not exactly a diary; I don't really have that much to say for myself; it's just a record of what on Earth I'm getting done. Mostly, I'm digging through the boxes of paperwork that accumulated in my office over the last few years and getting everything sorted. I've found some letters I meant to answer, and I feel terrible about them. Some I'm not even sure what to do about. Do I answer the wonderful letter I got from a kid so long ago that they probably don't even care about our story anymore? I don't know. 

Oh, also, Grammarly hates the way I write. Fine. At least it catches most of my mis-spellings. 

Thanks everyone!





Huh, I thought all the smoke knights but violetta had been wasped for sure. But then again there’s probably been freshly trained graduates since grandma took over that from the lucreza loyalists

Brian Harvey

Ah, I see, the reason for the grossly-out-of-character speech by Tarvek we were discussing last time was to set up the first panel of this page. (Not that I accept that as an excuse for the authors!) I hereby award myself a point for raising the question of what Bang is doing here just in time! And finally, Kaja, renewing Precheck at a store? Don't you have a computer? Have you been doing the lettering by hand all these years??? And, keeping a diary on paper? Don't you have a cell phone? I know the GG characters live in the world of a century or two ago, but /you/ don't!


Writing on paper can be useful, it is a different pace, more like the speed of thought, and is often more beneficial. Also one can doodle in the margins. Definitely makes a difference to me when I take the time to write a log. Try it some time.