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Elias Larsen

Lord God Jesus i come to you to ask for a favour, i pray you bless us by getting Don to upload more HxH and finally getting him to watch cars. Jesus i pray you realize how important this is to us all, i pray you realize it’s futile to ask him to watch cars anymore. We even got a guy dedicated to asking, i don’t know if he’s still alive anymore. Lord i want to thank you for everything you have given us, i humbly ask for one more thing, this. In the name of Jesus i pray, Amen.

life and death 101

What do u mean going down the ship is in space there is no gravity it would just float

Ryan Potts

Might as well not watch it at all if you're not gonna watch the whole thing

Jacob Arms

All he said is he's not watching it in the odd order brudda chill

RJ Torres-Encinias

You should definitely watch a recap of the entire series then


Honestly Don. Just watch it in release order. It doesn't need to be as complicated as people say. Don't worry about it. Just watch a great show and have a good time. That's all.


Heavy Echo and Fives come back in later episodes even tho Heavy was killed, Echo and Fives become important characters. Watching in Chronological order would show u their backstory first but it isnt that big of a deal because you’ll watch it eventually.


Rex and Cody are also regulars so they are some clones you should try to remember too. Rex is Anakin’s captain and Cody is Obi-Wan’s commander

Marquis keel (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 12:23:42 Not watching it in order won’t seem bad until u get later in the show and stuff stop making sense cuz an arc u need to see is down the line and u have no clue wats going on in watever arc u currently in I’ve watched the whole show 5 times then doing it outta order was dumb to start with but they didn’t kno it’d take off
2024-02-19 07:39:47 Not watching it in order won’t seem bad until u get later in the show and stuff stop making sense cuz an arc u need to see is down the line and u have no clue wats going on in watever arc u currently in I’ve watched the whole show about 5 times and doing it outta order was dumb to start with but they didn’t kno it’d take off

Not watching it in order won’t seem bad until u get later in the show and stuff stop making sense cuz an arc u need to see is down the line and u have no clue wats going on in watever arc u currently in I’ve watched the whole show about 5 times and doing it outta order was dumb to start with but they didn’t kno it’d take off

Slime Soup

Watching in chronological order really matter as much as people are pretending it does. As long as you remembered key plot points you can just sort the timeline in your head. Most episodes are fine to watch on their own anyways


i watched it as it was released and I loved it

Koala Banana

God damn how does someone too dumb to get chronological order and episode codes like 303 makes more than all of us

Cardenasada Taco

How are you gonna get to PEAK HxH and upload Wonder Woman instead 💀

Julian Fernandez

"They're clones but they're also all different" perfectly sums up clones


Watch it in release order , no need to be so extra

Koala Banana

Don stop being so fucking lazy. You make bank from us and can't even handle a chronological episode list? If that was "too complicated" for me I'd be fired from my job immediately.

Koala Banana

It's not an odd order, it's chronological. Do you know what that means?


It's clearly stressing him out. He already accidentally skipped a movie. It's not that serious lol I get it tho. It does make sense. But it's not going to break the series for him


4 different comments all saying the same thing how do you care that much about a star wars cartoon lol


What the fuck is wrong with you, you entitled prick, like stfu.