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My Wonder 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 and I wonder, what it all, what it means 🎵 you know what I wonder? When will you watch Cars Don? 🙂 I’ve been wondering for some time Don 🙂 Abigail wants it Don 🙂 so when will it come Don? 🙂 before me right Don? 🌝 is there a reason Don? 🙂 we can come to an agreement Don 🙂


the suicide squad is definetly worth it. also watch the series "peacemaker" after if you want. It's about one of the characters in that movie and its only like 6 episodes i think

Andre Eames

I hated this so much more the second time around.

Andhy thomas

After This is black adam right?


after that shit you gotta pick young justice back up

Marquis keel

Worse dc movie ever

Unbeknownst Man

Me too! I thought the overall plot with Steve was good, but the lack of proper action and the "best" scenes being so sluggish and slow felt like such a weird, unappealing choice. Very disappointing overall, and such a waste of talent, because the cast was great, but had nothing to work with.

Jon Black

Audio way better this time 🔥

Alaina Willow

No it wuld be still visible

Alaina Willow

It’s still a solid object


I love how he goes she still beautiful though. Even if this movie isn't great😂😂 my personally I enjoyed the movie its reslly good


Don just incase you ever read this which you probably wont but just so you know there's a villian within the dc comics her name is cheetah. She's also in the injustice 2 video game. That's what Barbara turned into