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Ian Campbell

Just a thought... Avatar doesn't show death, it might be implied that the angry spirits killed water tribe people. For causing deaths of civilians, it would make sense why a general (defender of people) would be severely punished.


Thanks for all the great content, man.


Aang was the avatar, but he was natively an Airbender. He wouldn't be able to pass down firebending, earthbending, or waterbending on his own. He had children with Katara (who is a waterbender), so the children could only have airbending, waterbending, or no bending at all.

Adam Uthman

Only Bumi doesnt have bending, Tenzin has airbending and the sister is a waterbender

Jay Sotho

Bending is seemingly due to both genetics and spiritual competent maybe a mix of both at the same time. Every person born into the air nation (before aang left) were benders, was it due to their intense spiritual connections? The earth kingdom rarely had any spirituality components in their community unlike airbenders and they had the least amount of benders born into the highest populated nation in the world. Interesting, this is just a theory but it's something not touched on really ever.


Sokka was a non-bender, and Katara was a waterbender, and their parents were non-benders too. I think it's just genetics and luck.

Ethan VanDerVeer

Very excited for you to get into this series I just finished it else where for the first time and I'm very impressed they did much more than I thought they would character development is great in book 2,3 and 4

Keelan Brown

I wish they let them have two elements since they have two element parents or one new element mixing the two

Ethan letras

A fellow Ethan lol. Book 2 is almost universally hated by the fandom just cause the ending. Now I don’t think it’s amazing, but korra learns and grows in a semi-realistic way. Can’t ask for much more

Daniel Portillo

I remember watching an anime with the same spirit concept, except they were tentacles…