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Sammy K

I'm crying, Don noticing the guard ducking on the floor after Zuko ran in

Peter Parker

the whole point off invasion is element of suprise and fight during eclipse, once it fail retreat is the only option


I see it as the Dai Li will stick to whoever has the most power


I think the Dai Li were written as a sense of Irony. They spent mad long brainwashing people. Then Azula comes in and shows them what that really looks like. Brainwashers got brainwashed. Cant lie, Azula is verrryyy convincing... especially if you fear her :D. If anything I would just give props to Azula, she did her thang, took over the city, the military, even brought some home, shes a menace, convinced Earth benders that the Fire Nation colonizing them was for the best.

Guram Papunashvvili

Upgrading to tier 3 was the best decision of 2023 so far

Avery Strasser

Fun fact: Ming, the prison guard who was nice to Iroh, was voiced by Serena Williams (who is a huge fan of the show)

Maurice Holmes

next episode is gonna be jokes

Keylan Harris

Ang needs to unlock the 7th chakra and master fire bending before he goes up against the fire lord. Ang may look like he’s ready to go up against the fire lord but the fire lord would have destroyed Ang if Ang went toe-to-toe with him right now.

Nolli Dee

Starring into an eclipse can still blind you fairly easy. Hence the eclipse shades

kenny mannino

Did you know during the uncle iroh episode when he is remembering his son Mako. It was actually a memorial for the va who played Iroh. He died during the the show. The va's name was Mako