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Jahsan Grigger

We NEVER talk about the movie they didn’t do it justice


We dont talk about the movie.

C Nichole

If you cherish yourself do not watch the movie for this. Best advice I can give


"Doesn't this show have a movie as well?" and we all clutched our pearls as a collective unit.


It's not even just a bad adaptation. It's a bad movie period.

Matthew MacKinnon

i can honestly say, it is objectively one of the worst movies made (at least out of the ones with a decent budget)

Diaab Amin

DONT WATCH THE MOVIE. Please dont lmao


Serpent’s Pass & The Drill aired as an hour long special

kenny mannino

Although Netflix is making a live action series that should be out soon. The og creators did work on it as well in the beginning. Hoping it's good

Nathan Elkin

The movie is so bad it could make someone who hasn't seen the show never want to watch the show

Nolli Dee

As somebody who only saw a few episodes of avatar on nickelodeon as a kid here in there. I think the movie was pretty fire. The dude who directed it didn’t know shit about avatar, and had no source material whatsoever aside from the fact that they bend the elements so I mean everyone else I think I’m just nitpicking, but that’s just me react to it if you want I thought it was pretty good. Clearly not as good as the show at all but I think it’s still pretty good was a good watch for me. The people complaining about this movie are gonna be the people complaining about season four of Haikyu animation.


Nah bro. Lol. That movie was terrible. Like as bad as the Dragonball movie terrible. I respect your opinion but nah bro. Looool. And to say he had no source material is poor. There is literally a whole show. He could have watched it. Could have asked the producers for a rundown. That's a poor excuse. It was a poor movie


yeah bro... definitely don't watch the movie


It was just a bad movie objectively. The exposition was too thick and sludged the story down to a crawl, Katara called Aang by his name and THEN asked him for his name, they ran out of budget for the effects and had people doing the motions for bending without the actual effects (and I'm not talking about the 'pebble' scene), they couldn't decide whether they wanted to be serious or light-hearted so there's too much tonal juxtaposition even within one scene, the actress for Katara is laughably bad (explained by her dad basically buying her role for her), and we won't even get started on the fact that all of the villains were brown while all the heroes were white. Those are just problems from an objective, not comparing it to the show, standpoint. The list doubles when you consider the show. (edit: but the soundtrack was REALLY good. I think they blew the entire budget for it.)

Nolli Dee

Yeah see i never really ever came at the movie from a critique standpoint so I can see what chu mean now. However i still think its a cool ass movie if you have little to no context for avatar.

Gastly Touch

please for everyones love for your channel and sanity DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIE. Do watch the next one that comes out tho we all have high hopes for it.