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Ethan VanDerVeer

Yo that's not fair I love orange and grape fanta but I've never seen them have a fruit punch. Is it carbonated? Lmao

Courage LK

Azula has such a punchable face but that's what makes her a great character

Nathan Elkin

Azula's flames are only blue at the point of ignition. They turn red once she's not actually bending them. At that point, they cool off and just become normal flames, but that's only if they have something that's keeping them burning. Iroh normally would be the most reliable fighter out of the 6 of them, but he got distracted for literally a second realizing the stranger he met is with the avatar, and that split moment is all Azula needed. Also, the fact they all showed up at the end can seem strange, but if you think about it, the time it took for Aang and Azula to get to that village probably took a while, whereas everyone else's moments in this episode most likely happened immediately after they initially split up. Toph meeting Iroh likely happened at the same moment the three girls split up, and the fight between Sokka and Katara vs May and Ty Lee probably finished before Azula found Aang. How everyone found each other is a mystery, and the biggest plot hole is how Iroh got around so fast, but it's fucking Iroh.