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Rhys Lucas

Sokka the last backbender

Matthew MacKinnon

every animal in avatar, with a few exceptions, is a combination of 2, sometimes more, real animals, just so you're aware (like the platypus bear, elephant koi, otter penguin, are examples youve seen so far)


I would like to say, that i appreciate you turn on the subtitles, because I am not native speaker and I am more confident with subtitles

Nathan Elkin

When I first watched the show, that one specific joke in season 2 about a bear threw me off for the longest time. Literally, I was thinking about it for years, but I've now assembled my own head canon for why the animals are the way they are in this show. I won't explain it because of too many spoilers and my own opinions, but I was fully on board with everything in this show until they made that joke about a bear. It fucked up my 10-year-old brain, and I didn't have anyone to talk to about it for the longest time.

Nathan Elkin

That's interesting. I find it weird how some people who know a second language can sometimes understand speaking it better than writing it, and then other people know how to read a language but not speak it that well. Guess it depends on if you learned a second language as a kid or if you learned it as an adult.

Nathan Elkin

what tier is boondocks now?

Nathan Elkin

It should be noted, especially because they never touch on it again in this show (well they kind of do in an unimportant conversation later on), but the southern tribe isn't just that one tiny village. There are other tiny villages, but they are so spread out from one another that even they rarely ever see each other. Most of the southern villages were wiped out or severely incapacitated, whereas the northern water tribe has always been built for defense and had no problem holding off the fire nation. A combination of the water tribe being a formidable opponent and the simple reality of actually launching an invasion large enough to do any damage to the north. Any extended length of time a smaller invasion would take would only give the north more of an advantage because the fire nation can't realistically sustain long voyages that far north, they just don't have the resources for it. If Aang hadn't gone to the northern tribe, the fire nation would almost certainly never bothered with the north because it's just too much of a hassle.

Nathan Elkin

You actually have been pretty impressive when remembering names. I was very surprised when you remembered the name of that cat a couple of episodes after it initially appeared. It was a RANDOM CAT, and you called it out before the show said it. Pretty nice, my guy.

Nathan Elkin

I'm pausing as much as you are because I'm writing all these damn comments, but I have one last comment. This show rarely misses, but I feel like this episode does (and I love this episode), only because upon rewatch it feels like this episode should have also been split between two episodes. So many important things happen: they finally reach the water tribe, Sokka meets a girl, Aang begins training with a master, an invasion of the north is currently be planned for, Zuko almost dies, and Katara is both given the sexist treatment because of "tradition", and she learns about her grandmother's past, which ends up tying back into the new master water bender's character, and much of it relies on a couple of lines of dialogue in each scene that only hits the mark because of the tone set by the framing of shots and the soundtrack... that being said, would it be possible to boost the sound of the videos without blowing out your own eardrums? My favorite thing about this show, besides the philosophy, is the music, and I don't want to be a nag, but your relevant commentary occasionally drowns out the emotional impact of certain scenes as the music is talked over. I'm not saying I want you to stop making comments, just that it's hard to hear the show when you talk. Maybe that's just me, though.