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I finally finished writing up all of the footnotes for last month's feature map on the cultural geography of Altera. I admit I underestimated how much I would have to explain, but it's done now... Read the footnotes here. 

There are some real gems in this last batch of footnotes—plenty of etymologies. Etymologies are vessels for tales and minor histories you didn't know you always needed, and those in the know, know they can find the most interesting and obscure etymologies by reading the footnotes for Atlas Altera! 

For instance, do you know where I got the term Ophiric from? Or where I got the inspiration to name an area in Africa Mudava? How about why Surlanka is centred around what we call Madagascar? And my ode to the Shahnameh with the references to Fereydun's sons—did you pick up on that?

I've really divulged more than I normally do for a feature map, but I got really into a groove and went with it. Who knew typing out miniscule footnotes late in the evening could be so meditative? 

Hope you enjoy these as much as I did putting it all together!



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