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With the droughts, fires, and temperature records, summer feels like it'll be lingering  longer across the northern hemisphere. As I mentally/professionally get into the autumn shift, however, I'm finding a delightful way of getting back into the swing of things with a major patch update for Atlas Altera. 

In the lit up areas in the preview graphic, you can see changes are in store for areas scattered all across the map. This time, the patch will include the addition of over 30 new countries/states, each surfacing a marginal language that I had previously been unable to get onto the map. Some of these changes are due to conversations with supporters, and others are based on some of my own new ideas for historical scenarios. I'm very excited and pleased with this update. 

The patching for the main political map is basically complete, and I've already completed updating the backend/database/spreadsheets with the new changes. Those with access to the footnotes (Armchair Academics) and above will be able to get sneak peak of the patch when I send out a new and updated version of the GaiaPolyglotta spreadsheet file next week. 

In the mean time, I'll continue working on the update. It'll take a lot of time and focus to go back and diligently make changes on all the fine details, and that's not even counting the time it takes to export all the hefty graphics. I'm confident, however, that we should be able to complete the patching by the end of September. This time, I'm testing a process for helping me more quickly port over the updates/changes across all the files and previously published maps. Hopefully that will make the process a little more manageable then the last update we did in January. 

Next week, I'll also be releasing a map on the ATL Chinese Civil War that Varjagen helped make. It's in the Polish Pergamon World Atlas style. I've released another topographical map of southern Crucea in this style before. It was also done by Varjagen.

Finally, in case you're slightly curious of what else I've got going on, I'm still working on a few other things: improving my presence on YouTube (I've got a few ideas, but haven't had the time or capacity to really explore), carving out the time to write more map plate narratives, setting up a Miraheze/wiki for community members to contribute, and finishing the website's factbook (and the data behind it).

Stay tuned!



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