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Before going on vacation, Matteo (Zveiner) managed to put up the Rixe 60-territories map of Altera onto Warzone, an online platform for playing Risk-like matches with custom maps. To play on your own, all you have to do is register on Warzone and search up "Altera" to find the custom map for your game. Some of us on the Discord community have come together to play three matches now, and despite a couple of bugs we've found, I think we can all say that the matches were highly enjoyable. So give it a try or come play with us on Discord!  

Speaking of Rixe, this month's feature map will be a continuation of the theme, but with a more...expanded outlook. I'll be putting out the map next week, so stay tuned for that!

Oh, and in case you were curious where Matteo is for vacation, he's currently in Vancouver, hanging out with yours truly.



Atlas Altera

You don't need Discord even, but im gonna try to have a game going regularly, so always at least one going at a time. It's turn-based, so the games can be played at the slowest person's pace