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Hello everyone,

Checking in with another minor update and also collecting some feedback.

First, I am aiming to release a build with some of the content for the upcoming Strength Revamp + NPC Interactions + Player Revamp update.  If I do, there will be another Paid Post scheduled for 11:59 PM EST which will be a poll to determine the priority for the update after.  If I don't get the build out to you then there will be no charge this month.  As always, create/delete/modify pledges as needed.

Secondly, I'd like to gather some feedback on the order of images.  Frankly I have ended up spending an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out exactly which images the girlfriend is larger than in others - this is tricky because Oriander and Ritualist have fairly different art styles, generally the GF in Ritualist's pictures has larger legs and breasts while Oriander follows more realistic proportions.

At one point I literally started measuring the pixels in comparison to the GF's head using an on-screen ruler, and have also been comparing these measurements to real life bodybuilders.

As a result, I've concluded that the final GF image has around 45 inch arms, while the smallest has around 9 inch arms.

While I'm fairly confident in the current order I have tentatively settled on, I'd like to gather feedback from you all.  You will notice that many images have been removed - don't worry, these will all appear in story scenes and will be viewable in the gallery once unlocked.  My primary goal is for each new image to show a distinct level of progression - there were many images before that weren't actually larger than the one preceding it.  

I've also decided to use some of the Feats of Strength images, because they show the GF at levels of muscularity that aren't showcased elsewhere.  Ideally these will be replaced with more commissioned art over the next year or so.  Also ideally there will be 50 unique images to represent the girlfriend, but this will be a slow and lengthy process.

If you are interested in providing some feedback, please see the attached image and let me know your thoughts on it - is the order consistent?  Are there any levels where the girl is too large or small for the in-game equivalent?

Finally, two pieces of new art were recently generously gifted to me by Stupiddoritosbag!  I've implemented them into the new order, and have also attached them here for you to enjoy.  Thanks again to him for his generosity.

As always thanks for your patience and support.  Let me know your thoughts on the new order in the comments below.




Looks good!