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Hello everyone.

Firstly, I've updated the Stamina Update to Beta 2.  Here's a changelog from B1 -> B2

- chess reimplemented.  now available from both the 'compete' and 'do something together' menus (same activity).  chess currently has an Intelligence challenge rating of 6.

- fixed kinetic battery charger bugs

- kinetic battery charger now has a challenge rating - 50 strength and 50 endurance.

- video games now function again

- stores now actually open at 8 instead of 9

- fixed some inconsistencies with stated time costs and their actual time costs

- modified the player muscles atrophying / height shrinking messages a bit for clarification

- tom's gym now gives experience for working out there

- you can now choose to return to tom's gym after working out instead of being forced to go home

- fixed some internal wrist/ankle weight naming inconsistencies  (this is still not perfect - there will be an equipment revamp eventually)

Next, attatched to this post is the first batch of story scenes.  It's a .odt file - which should be openable by most word processors, (I'm currently using FocusWriter for this).

This is just the first batch of scenes.  My plan is to have a minimum of 10,000 words added for the scene update, so this just represents the first ~30% of scenes (and there could end up being more this update, and definitely more in the future if you guys enjoy this concept)

Please check out the file and let me know if you enjoy the concept.  I realized that I can use these scenes to really beef up the schmo and transfer scenarios, so that's what I've done.  You'll notice a continued storyline going on here.  The transfer scenario has been changed in general as well - instead of starting off with a nightmare collar, the GF will simply have a supernatural ability to drain the player via these story scenes.

Finally, this post will be tagged as paid so the patreon can run this month.  This charge will be for the next update.

Since the story scene update is quite light on programming (I just have to implement the scene system, which I already have mapped out) I can focus mostly on writing scenes, which is generally easier for me to do.  My pie-in-the-sky goal is to finish both the story scene update and the upcoming one (which you guys will vote on later) this month.  I can't make any guarantees given my track record, but hopefully I can pleasantly surprise everyone!

I have ideas for expanding this scene system to create scenes for other stats, and for certain events (like creating advanced creations, winning competitions, etc.) 

Additionally, when we (someday) get to multiple GF personalities and a bigger story, these scenes can be expanded to include dialogue options that will shape things.  (Example: you'll be able to encourage/discourage her, compliment/taunt her, etc.)

Thanks for your continued support and patience.   As always, feedback is appreciated, and I hope you enjoy everything to come!


Giza White Mage

I do like the changes to the transfer scenario!


Hiya! When will the Stamina Update be available on Gumroad?


Hmmm, I'm thinking tomorrow or Tuesday since I released Enhancement Machine 4 today