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Hey everyone,

Just a tiny update to let you know how I will be moving forward in response to the results of the latest batch of polls.

The upcoming 4.1 update will have:

- Overall girlfriend descriptions up to muscle level 50.  I will be rearranging some descriptions (the abstract ones will be pushed up in level requirement, while new ones will be written in their place).  In this process a few more interim descriptions will be written.

-  A few more "Talk to her about strength/height/etc." dialogues will be included.

- Some new Feats of Strength for the general "ask her to perform a feat of strength"

- Some new unique workouts

- A handful of new level-up messages

- The ability to ask the Girlfriend to perform some feats of strength.  Some of these are already in the "ask her to perform a feat of strength", but you'll be able to see her fail to complete the feat, or utterly dominate it, depending on her strength level.

- Increasing the "height cap"  on the girlfriend description page.

I will be keeping the game's speed the same for the time being.  If I were to recreate the game with hindsight, I would slow it down - and slowing it down is minorly the most popular option - but ~45% of respondents don't want the game slowed down, and slowing it down would be a pretty large amount of work  (everything involving strength would have to be rewritten to some degree)

More features will be added to the devil's machine over time.  I personally wouldn't mind having a "transfer" update sometime in the future that focuses on beefing up all of the transfer functions.  I'm envisioning a retooling of the Nightmare Collar (making it much cheaper, or unlocked via a quest, and having it recharged from items/events like the other amulets).  And I'd like to maybe have a way for the girlfriend to drain other people - maybe at the gym, or even shopkeepers / characters in random events.  But all of this is a ways off for the time being.

I want to add in a beauty stat ASAP; but not in the description update.  Probably adding it in 4.2.  Including the groundwork for the stat now will prevent future headaches, and I think Beauty should be a factor for some competitions/careers/events in the future.  For example, I'd like separate Weight Lifting/Strongman competition, and a Bodybuilding competitions - and beauty could help with bodybuilding.  (Theoretically beauty doesn't have a bearing in IRL bodybuilding competitions, but I think it makes sense for it to have a minor impact.  Plus this mean pure strength alone doesn't determine too many competitions)

I'll re-add the old "workout bi/chest/squats" with improvements at some point, but it's low priority.  Select a Feat might be implemented at some time, but it doesn't seem to be that huge of a deal.

We're also at a point of support where returning to a monthly Patreon might make sense.  The patreon is high enough that I should be setting aside time daily/weekly to work on the game.  If we were to do that, I would like to streamline the work process to release weekly/biweekly Patreon backer builds for $10+ pledgers.  These backer builds would be incomplete, but still functional (barring bugs)

As always, thanks for all of your support everyone, and more content coming in the near future!

- Magnus



that sounds great Magnus. can't wait to see how it looks


Hurray! Glad to see you back to monthly updates!

Kyan Zero The Real

Maybe the second could be good but i'm not sure

Illuminati Games

Maybe the second could be good but i'm not sure