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Basically, you would have the option to "select a scene" from all previous feats of strength / workouts and replay it.  The girlfriend would have to have a high enough strength of course.  Also, the descriptions wouldn't match her current state (example: if you replay the first FoS, and she's level 30, it would still describe her as thin)

Implementing this would likely take a few hours - time that could be spent on something else, but it would let you replay scenes you particularly enjoyed without replaying the game or messing around in the debug room.

Alternatively, you could simply suggest the particular feat of strength / workout you want to see her perform  (like, ask her to bend a crowbar / ask her to do bench press) then she would attempt to do so  (fails to bend the crowbar at low level; bends it a little mid level; bends it with effort at mid-high; bends it effortlessly at high... etc)   This could be a lot of fun, but it would take even more time to since I'd have to write like 4 outcomes for every FoS.

Either way, I would keep the currently existing FoS and unique workouts.

Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments and by voting!



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