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Hello everyone, 

I've closed the last art poll, because the girlfriend with all 7 medals has a decisive lead - that piece will ideally be included in the next update.

Attached to this post is the 2024 Dialogue Update Beta 1

FMG Life Sim 2024 Dialogue Beta 1 changelog:

- Added dialogues for playing Holochess together (based on Intelligence difference)

- Added dialogues for playing Chess together (expanded dialogues for number of chess victories to account for each personality type at start of activity, then added modified version of holochess dialogues at end of activity)

- Added dialogues for doing Planks together (based on strength difference. also a 'special' dialogue plays if both characters have 20+ strength)

- Added dialogues for doing Pull Ups together (based on strength difference. also a 'special' dialogue plays if both characters have 30+ strength)

- Added dialogues for Reading together (based on how easy/challenging the type of book is for the girlfriend to read)

- Added dialogues for playing Video Games together (based on score differential, which is calculated using mostly reaction speed with some intelligence)

- Added dialogues for Lifting Weights together at home (based on muscle differential)

- Added dialogues for Jumping Rope together (4 sets of dialogues based on if both characters have enough endurance to jump the whole time, if neither can, or if only one can)

- Added dialogues for doing Yoga together (based on how far/close the Girlfriend is to doing the scorpion pose and holding it. this is one of the only dialogue sets without differences for the personalities)

- Added dialogues for Relaxing together (dialogues are triggered by: girlfriend muscle being less than 5 and having visited Chance; girlfriend muscle less than 5 and having not visited Chance; girlfriend muscle being 5 to 9 and girlfriend being equally/more muscular than player; girlfriend 5 - 9 and less muscular than player; girlfriend muscle 10 to 19 and equally/more muscular than player/; girlfriend muscle 10 to 19 and less muscular than player; girlfriend muscle 20+ and equally/more muscular than player; girlfriend muscle 20+ and less muscular than player)

- Revamped chess. In addition to the dialogue changes listed above, it now uses descriptions based on the ones for Holochess, which account for a far wide variety of intelligence differences between the characters. Whoever wins the coin flip to go first receives a small boost in their 'chess score' (which is currently based on intelligence) equivalent to +1 intelligence. HoloChess won't have this bonus since lorewise the first move advantage was 'solved' in that iteration of the game.

Also fixed the nightmare collar triggering twice during chess, along with the broken descriptions for some intelligence difference levels.


With this the Dialogue update is primary content complete, as nearly all of the activities performed together now have many more lines of dialogue, almost all of which change based on the girlfriend's personality. The treadmill was excluded because I'd like to revamp that item entirely in a future update.

Next will be 2024 Dialogue Update Beta 2. Like last time, I will personally do a full playtest of the game, and fix up the fixable issues I come across, along with other various changes that come to mind.

Thanks for your continued patience and support! Hope you enjoy everything to come,

- Magnus


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