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No, the update is not ready yet.

BUT, I've officially finished writing everything to do with Samantha's part of the upcoming story event. This includes all imagery, animations, dialogue, scripting, etc.

Samantha, and all of her content for LLRR, is complete.*

This is a big milestone because her part in the event is over twice as long as anyone else's. Her imagery was also far more work than anyone else's, since she basically needed to be built up from scratch while everyone else has a good amount of content for me to reuse and build on. Her hair is also very long and way harder to work with, fuck.

What remains is the sexy half of Kelly's event, all of Julie's event, and adding everything to the gallery. Some additional polish will probably make its way in there as well, and part of me is really, really tempted to make a third Amy animation because she really deserves a bit more. But I'll save that for later and make a judgement call after I've finished Kelly and Julie.

*I like Samantha as a brief (albeit hot) variation in the story. I'm going to keep the focus on Amy, Julie, and Kelly, but if Samantha turns out to be particularly popular then I'm willing to consider giving her some more content.
Usually I have a very concrete idea of what exactly I want to do in LLRR, but I'm torn enough on Samantha that I may be swayed by external input.


The image for this post didn't end up making the final cut.
A shame, because I liked it. But it conflicted a bit with the direction I went in instead.



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