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And thus, our story culminates in some steamy, illicit activities in the dark, while Flin's girlfriend and Julie's husband sleep in their respective rooms just one floor above them.




This image was a fucking nightmare, lol. Out of everything in the revamp, this was by far the biggest pain in the ass.
The other two images that follow are based on this one, so they weren't so bad. But this one kicks things off AND features a kiss, which is always a mini-challenge by itself. There's also the boob press, Julie's hand in Flin's hair, the positioning of the arms to create a window to see said boob press (these models have somewhat different proportions, so I can't' just do exactly what I did in the original), the blanket (transparent, or opaque?), the ponytail hair, and just the general sense of hunger that the original has.

In the end, I'm very glad I stuck with it, but goddamn it gets frustrating when the images are flowing easily and suddenly you hit one that says "Nope, you're not even sure if you like this camera angle. Try 600 different camera angles first, and then question yourself after 'settling' on one, and then spend forever trying to get a simple boob press to look good."


Out of every "old" image in this post, the only one I every really liked was the first one, the kissing one. I know they're similar, but I just never really cared for the two that follow it.
My goal here was to change that with the new images. I succeeded. I particularly like how Julie's arm is now wrapping around Flin's neck, and how her fingers are digging into his hair. Her expression is much improved, too.


Once again, didn't really like the original, but now I like the revamp, so I'm happy. The interesting thing about this new image compared to the last new image is that either of them could be the "climax" shot, and either of them could be a "having sex" shot. This one is the climax shot in the game currently, and I think I'm going to keep it that way because even though their expressions aren't as intense, their climax is very quiet. They're trying to keep their voices down, so I think it fits well.


This final shot is the only one in the entire sequence I didn't bother revamping. Sometimes, you zoom the camera out far enough that you're able to get it right the first time, haha.
The main thing I'd consider here would be shrinking the space around them. Would you believe that Julie's house used to be 50% bigger, but all the furniture was still the same size? It's hard to build a house to scale with the people who will be in it, especially when your art style has everyone very tall but also very skinny.
I think it looks alright, though.


Now, one final question I never fully answered for myself was whether or not to make the blankets partially transparent. I hate setting a precedent to do this all the time, and the blanket loses its silhouette almost entirely, but...

Like, it is pretty hot. I could consider fading between them, but it's just tricky to decide how to go about it.

And believe it or not, I am also trying to finish writing Samantha's scene and stuff too! It's nice if I can just do a clean revamp of this without overthinking it too much.

Anyway, that's the whole thing! Hope you enjoyed!



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