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For Rayn!

The perspective was a little tricky on this one. And I do believe this is the first time I've ever shown (implied) fingering.

I'll very likely use this or some similar version of it in the Samantha Wedding update.




Sieg Warheidt

Woo! Samantha! Hearing a Samantha wedding update being planned makes me excited with joy :D


Haha, was I not transparent about that? I thought I had said something already but maybe not. Right now we're in the beach update. After that is the Samantha Wedding Update. Samantha's getting married to her fiancé Greg, and Flin is hired to be a wedding singer... And the update after that will be the "Ending Update," the last update of the game. That's the update where you'll actually have the opportunity to convince Samantha to divorce Greg and marry you instead.


How is it looking regarding a status update? :) You still feel an end of July update is possible? Thanks for sharing


In my head, I've been pretending like it is (lol) so that I continue to scramble and get as much done as I can every day before the 31st rolls around. Unfortunately, 3 days this week wound up flooding me with other stuff I had to do (helping my brother move, which was a whole thing), which put me behind. I've also been neglecting my real job a little too much but let's go ahead and not think about that😅 It might not be possible for me to get everything done in the next 12 days, but I'M NOT SURE, so I'm just gonna believe it is possible because I'll push myself a lot harder while thinking that.