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I really thought the queen was going to die!!! Wow this episode was awesome! I can't wait for season 2!!!

Thank you Haifaa for sponsoring this show ♥


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+ Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/47ia6t40v7h8o69iceh8y/113-P5R6.mp4?rlkey=fopk8jluqw63l7zwqa8yecafr&dl=0

+ Direct Download Link: https://we.tl/t-RWeBNPZauu



Iben Frederiksen

I'm so happy you are liking this show, it's so addictive and easy to binge haha I love Adora, Bow and Glimmer's friendship so much, and I'm so happy that the show spends so much time on the three of them together. However I never got into the Adora/Catra ship - and I'm usually a sucker for every wlw ship out there, but I find Catra so arrogant and selfish that I just cannot for the life of me want her to be with kind and brave Adora. Back in episode 2 maybe, when she reveals to Adora that she knew the Horde was evil that whole time, and that they were killing and hurting civilians, that was just such a shock, that I really needed her to do a lot of good for her too feel justifiably redeemed, but that sure does not happen in season 1 ... Another probably unpopular opinion of mine, is that I can't stand Entrapta - she is even more selfish than Catra, and doesn't give a shit about any of the people who love her and care about her. All she cares about is furthering her scientific research, and she couldn't care less if that meants destroying the entire planet lol. It's a shame because she starts out being so sweet and interesting, but just immediately helps the Horde when she gets the chance. Can't wait for your reaction to season 2!


All I can say is be patient and just enjoy the 🌈 of this show.

Catradora fan

Wee Lass Reacts sent me here 😊 I have seen the entirety of this show multiple times I LOVE IT! 😍 You're in for a wild ride