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Harper is a queen!!! haha


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Juli im confused i was looking back at the updated march schedule you did and march 15th was suppose to be a fosters binge and march 17th today was suppose to be the start of Dawson's creek season 4 binge. Was there a change? cuz the schedules arent adding up


the schedule change is most likely due to what was/is going on in her personal life


i understand a delay due to personal situations but i dont understand how that would change the shows planned. Wouldnt u just resume the schedule even if days behind? Like for an example icarly being posted today when it wasnt on the schedule, so even if the fosters were suppose to be march 15 but couldnt due to personal situations, why not post it today since its on the schedule? thats what i was wondering cuz i understand delays on the days that these shows were planned on, i just dont understand it changing the shows


I just went back and these icarly eps were suppose to be Febuary 14th but gap was posted instead on feb 16th when the schedule doesnt say that, so im confused cuz like i suggested wouldnt you just resume what you original planned on feb 16th even if its on the wrong day instead of doing gap? March 27th was suppose to be Gap's last episode posted which is episode 9, she got to episode 11 posted a couple days ago so it goes back to the shows being switched so thats why im confused. Im just hoping for communication on this cuz a lot of people are confused and asking for their shows


Well I think she needs the content for YouTube as on there she’s up to date in icarly and league of their own, so she needed to do new ones so she’d have content for YouTube. I wasn’t even aware shows can be sponsored, don’t see a tier for that even. Only movies tier. New shows are added and it seems shows already on here aren’t getting enough attention. I think she’s even got replacements set for when gap ends that’ll prob get viewed quickly and more often. She prioritizes shows that she seems to like more and what get the most views on YouTube. I enjoy it here, but I think us supporters on here should have a say in what’s watched as well. I’d think dawsons would get more views on YouTube, but the real fans of that show want to see full reactions and prob sub here for them so we’d have no reason to watch on YouTube.


i agree and if thats the case i would like to know that so i can just wait till dawsons creek is done to be a patreon cuz Ive been here for years and it was not like this. I understand if she prefers Gap over everything else but if thats the case dont make a schedule cuz lots of us are confused and a lot of people are asking for all american which btw they are also behind on binges. Gap is the only thing finished with binges and I personally think its unfair, this is why i always suggested getting a current show season done before binging a new show cuz clearly its too much shows going on. The fosters have been delayed for A WHILE cuz of new shows getting more interest and its not fair. Luckily i have a few shows to stay a patreon but if i was just here for the fosters, i wouldve been upset paying monthly for no episodes or just one episode while watching everyone else get binges every time, i cant imagine the fosters only patreons cuz i dont see the comments anymore for it which leads me to assume a lot unsub her patreon and thats gonna happen if this doesnt get fixed to where its equal or less shows for now and have people resub when you are able to give the attention for their shows


I understand personal issues going on but i think theres a better way to go on here which is cut down the binges or the schedules so that each show gets two eps so that none are left out cuz alot are left out on Feb and March schedule. Or make an annoucement saying you have more interest on certain shows that you wont be currenty reacting to the others so that we can stop paying montly and then come back when you can give the attention to the other shows. I think the sponsers are not working cuz she has alot of shows and movies being sponsered and i think thats overcrowding current reactions


Well myself I’m only here because of dawson I first saw on YouTube. That got me to sub here. Don’t really watch anything else here. So yea a schedule that’s followed more closely or more upfront with how often it’d be watched would be nice. If dawson turns out to be a one episode every 2 weeks show, I’ll just unsubscribe for a bit to let some gather. Would hate to do that though as I do enjoy seeing them right away.


exactly, Im bringing this up so that hopefully it brings attention to juli so she can prevent people unsubscribing her patreon. We need communication. Im still here more for dawsons and fosters. for stranger things too but im waiting for s3 and s4


Freddie looking mighty orange between the orange skin and the receding hair line idk I hope they get rid of the tan and a new hair cut.


Bella, just letting you know in case you didn’t view her live YouTube, she addresses some things there. I can’t attach a picture of the rest of march she was showing live, but Dawsons creek 19 and 20 are set for Thursday the 23rd, and episodes 21-23 are set for Tuesday the 28th. The fosters wasn’t listed on any days up to march 31st. Just so your aware. But someone asked about fosters and she indicated she forgot about fosters. But wasn’t sure if she wanted to mess with current made rest of march. But then maybe might swap elite season 6, with foster. So could possibly have a foster each of the next Wednesdays. Just my guess on that


Also the schedule you see in old post is out of date and she’s using a new one she made but didn’t post it cause things can change and she moves stuff around, and felt maybe if she posted one also, something bad would happen and stuff would not be done. Like superstitious.


I totally understand the confusion. My bad that I didn’t update this month. But DC is coming in the next 2 weeks so we can finish season 3 this month ❤️


Oh okay thank you 🥰 I wasn't aware of a new schedule and the YouTube comments about it. Appreciate you telling me


I dont really believe in it


Im really exited for you to watch the rest of the season

Zeph 802

Harper is so beautiful