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Spencer needs to chill out a bit lol


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+ Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tccojeaonui2bk/203%20J7B5.mp4?dl=0

Direct Download Link: https://we.tl/t-P8TFHsSRY1




I've been confused since I first watched this, it's such a small thing. But in the first scene, there's the "Never have I ever gone skydiving" from Spencer... ALL THREE OF THEM WENT SKYDIVING IN THE ORIGINAL SHOW! Sure, it wasn't planned, but they still did it... They had to jump out of a plane into Tokyo. Did the writers just forget that?


Yeah sometimes the characters feel off in this show us fans could definitely write it better imo


Most things I’m fine with, but it’s things like this where there was something established or that happened in the original show and then they just completely ignore it in this for plot. Carly had done some crazy things in the past, there are definitely things they could’ve said in the game that would make her drink. INCLUDING basically the one thing we saw them say… 😬🤣


Carly is stil so cute. AND YES DRAKE AND JOSH so excited


both spencer and carly needed to chill out