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NORA?!?!?! NORA?!?!?!?!?!?!?! MY CHILD?!?!? OH GOD!!!!!!!


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omg it’s happening


my exact same reaction lol i was so betrayed and shook


that was my same reaction to finding out they were in the bad place and that michael was evil

Jayden Jones

finally lmao im so glad when everyone finally gets to this episode and realizes the other operative isn’t Dot... they make it very obvious that it isn’t her throughout but also throw little things in there to make you think it’s her at the same time

Zeph 802

I only suspected Nora because she was the last person to expect. I realised they barely showed any scenes of her doing anything suspicious so it made me more suspicious about her. Still love her though 😂😂😂 She could burn a village, danaerys style, and I'd still say "Awww there's my child"


I feel awful for Martha. I had a bad feeling as soon as I saw the Doctor, then when he said about how whenever she dances she'll think of their time together? It just gave me really bad vibes. I've just heard that sorta thing in other shows and stuff, how the abuser kinda ruins something their victim loves by adding these bad memories and thoughts to it and making them associate it with their abuse. Also, the whole bedwetting thing is common with sexual abuse victims. I don't know much about it, but I think it's to do with that type of fear and feeling of loss of control. Again, I'm not sure as I'm not a doctor and have no experience in that area.