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WARNING - super gross chapter, should know what it'll be about if you read the previous one


Jackie was hunched over on the toilet, biting her lip with a pained expression on her face as she fought to discharge the prior day’s lunch from her body. Denver was cowering on the floor, wincing at the sounds of what was coming out of her. Knowing that he was the cleanup crew.

In a moment of relieved exhaustion, she stood up and turned to flush it all down. “Finally,” she sighed, getting on the bathroom floor next to where her brother was. “This’d be so much easier if you weren’t so tiny,” she groaned, which was true for multiple reasons. Firstly because the only way for him to even reach her asshole in the first place was if she lied on the ground and deposited him back there between her cheeks. But besides that was the most obvious and most gross truth: since his entire body was of comparable size to her anus, he’d be spending quite a while trying to lick it clean. She told him he wouldn’t have to swallow everything, but it wasn’t because she was being nice. It was just that there was no way his stomach would be able to fit all the shit that his tiny little tongue would pick up.

Prying one of her cheeks to the side, she picked Denver up with her other hand and reached around to drop him right in the middle of her butt. When he fell down, his frail body bounced in between her cheeks a few times before coming to rest in the narrow crevice of her dirty crack. Feeling humiliated and defeated, he rose onto his hands and knees and crawled through her anal valley towards the brown, puckering hole that he’d heard wreck havoc just moments ago. Flecks of Jackie’s waste were spattered about, and the nauseating smell was so strong that he choked just from the tainted air—but he was determined to finish the deed, and make it the last time he ever disrespected his giant sister ever again.

By the time he reached Jackie’s wrinkly asshole, there were tears in his eyes, so he closed them so he wouldn’t have to see what it was he was doing. Then he gradually bent down with an outstretched tongue until he felt it reach its goal, the rubbery-textured exit for her colon, and began licking it up and down, vowing to make today the first and last day he’d ever have to taste his little sister’s shit.

Denver was so tiny that Jackie couldn’t actually differentiate his tongue from the possibility of him cleaning her with something else like his hands. But she knew that she’d instilled enough fear in him that she could trust he was obeying her command and accepting his punishment. She wasn’t sadistic enough to take joy in making him suffer, but it was for the good of both of their futures that he endure his discipline today so that the future could go easier for them. “I know you’re probably hoping that you’ll never remember today,” she told him, “or that you’ll forget how your tongue feels right now, and what my asshole tastes like. But I think it’s important that you remember. Because if you don’t remember, then you won’t have learned anything, and ultimately since this is a lesson, I’m doing this for you more than I am for me.” Denver wanted to explode and unleash all the pent-up anger inside of him, but since that could only make his predicament worse, he tried to just ignore what Jackie was saying instead. But at his size, her voice was so loud that that was impossible.

“Since you’re pretty small, I’ll give you about an hour to see how far you can get,” she continued. 30 seconds of cleaning her ass with his tongue had already been more cruel than anything an average person would have to put up with in their lives, and Denver’s tears returned upon thinking of how arduous an entire hour of this would be. “And then I’ll check back there myself to make sure you’ve got some progress done. I know it’s pretty dirty back there, so I don’t expect you to clean everything… but I’m sure you know by now it’d be best to not push your luck and disappoint me.” She glanced at the clock on the wall and noted when an hour from now would be. “Time starts now.”

Denver’s hands curled into fists, and he wished so badly that there was some kind of way out. Not just out of this moment right here, but his whole future. Some kind of parole he could apply for in the future, or a chance at escaping Jackie’s clutches. But neither of those would ever happen.

As he continued to drag his tongue back and forth across his sister’s shit-stained hole, the only thing he had left now was hope. After the past few weeks, he truly had no idea just how sadistic his sister would end up being in the coming years, so his only chance at not having the most miserable possible future ahead of him would be obeying every word she said, and being the best little sIave that he could possibly be.



Kind of hoping to also see Aliyah lording over him as well in the last chapter but this has been fantastic