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Several weeks had passed since Jackie had used her strange power to shrink her brother for the fourth and final time. Right now, he was hanging by his arms in the same familiar spot of his sister’s fart box. Every night since that first night, she had hooked her ass up to the machine and allowed her wasteful odors to flow into her brother’s home. Sometimes she even made sure to eat foods that would make her particularly gassy before heading to bed. And every day, just like she said it would, the smell inside the glass cube would compound upon itself. By the end of day one, the air inside Denver’s box was already way smellier than any fart he’d ever smelled from Jackie (or anyone, for that matter). But now, it was indescribably worse.

The revolting stench was so highly concentrated by this point that Denver would regularly cry—not because he wanted to though, but because there were enough irritants in the air now to trigger his tear ducts, like cutting onions. Describing what the actual smell itself was like was practically impossible though. It wasn’t a smell that any other human being was capable of imagining, since it was so aggressively unnatural.

He remembered Jackie mentioning that less than 1% of a normal fart was comprised of the gasses that made them smell bad in the first place. But now that number wasn’t just over 1%, it was in the double digits. Ten times worse? Twenty times? Maybe even more? It was an incomparable experience, and yet he got to experience it every single time he breathed in, thousands of times a day. He was the only one who had to experience it. It was a lonely feeling, knowing that in the history of mankind, there wasn’t a single other soul in existence amongst the tens of billions of people who had smelled what Denver had to smell. A truly cunning work of mechanical engineering, used for a purpose that most ordinary people wouldn’t even be able to think of.

It reminded him of videos he’d seen on YouTube of people breathing in liquid oxygen. Their lungs would fill up with that rare, special liquid, and their brain would always panic because it felt unnatural, like they were drowning. But then their brain would eventually realize that they were inhaling and exhaling, so despite how it seemed it should work, they were still able to breathe somehow.

That was what it felt like every time Jackie put her brother back in his box again and pressed the button to vacuum out the air around him and replace it with her vile, anal concoction. His body would desperately gasp for air, and then his brain would panic and think that the toxic levels of gas entering his lungs would kill him, that Jackie had finally found the line and accidentally passed it. But without fail, his body would adapt, and realize there was just enough oxygen for him to safely breathe.

He was pulled out of his gas-induced daze by the sound of Jackie coming home. After setting her purse down, she made her way into her room and activated the filter so she could pull him out. “So I made a pretty big realization today,” she announced as she set him on her desk. “If you’re gonna ‘disappear’ and never go back to your old life, then you might as well let me take control of your bank account.” She stood with her hands on her hips, an excited smile on her face at the prospect of getting all her brother’s money.

But for the first time, Denver actually felt like standing up to his sister. Considering how much money was in his bank account—including his savings and investments too—he couldn’t just hand the keys over to his sister. He didn’t know if she knew how much money he had, but it was worth it to him to take whatever Jackie would throw his way if it meant not letting her get everything from him.

He shook his head, “No way Jackie, that’s way too far. Considering everything you’ve done to me, why do you need that? I worked hard to earn my money just like you do; you wouldn’t just get my money, you’d be robbing me of all my accomplishments over the last however many years. If you never shrunk me in the first place, you wouldn’t get my money anyways, right? Or if you killed me today, you still wouldn’t get it either. So what’s the difference?”

She was surprised to see him argue back. “OK well first off, I can’t change the past or take back what you’ve ‘accomplished’ or whatever. But the money’s just gonna sit there until eventually the bank realizes you’re gone and just takes it for themselves. And secondly… ‘if I killed you today?’ When did I ever say anything about killing you, you’re my brother.”

Jackie crossed her arms, looking more sternly at Denver now. “Just cuz I’m not gonna kill you though doesn’t mean I won’t punish you.”

Denver was silent for a moment, accepting his face. “I know.”

His sister scoffed, now doubly surprised at the fact that he still hadn’t given in. “Oh, you know, do you? Well maybe I need to think of something I haven’t done to you yet. Like maybe… hm, I dunno, licking my fucking asshole? After I’ve taken a dump, by the way. And I’ll make sure not to wipe, why bother when your tongue can do that for me?”

Denver couldn’t lie: he’d imagined she might punish him in a way like that sooner or later. Not that that made the idea any less horrendous. But it was better than letting her take his life’s savings. “OK.”

Jackie perked up, sighing with relief, “‘OK’ as in you’ll tell me your bank account info?”

“No. OK as in, fine. I’ll lick your asshole.”

His sister’s mouth dropped open, amazed that he was actually willing to go through with her punishment for him instead of just telling her his bank info. She assumed he had several thousand dollars saved, but could it be even more? Was that why he was resisting so much, because it was too much to give over so easily?

Her eyes narrowed, determined to get the information out of him one way or another, especially now that she felt like there was a huge pile of cash to be had. And then a fury clawed its way out from her stomach and erupted in front of Denver. “I still don’t think you realize just how horrible I can make your life. It’s literally impossible for you to fight back against the smallest little thing I do to you. And I just threatened to make you lick my ass—including tasting my literal shit. You don’t think I can think of something even worse?

“I’m sure my fart box has taken effect by now, so how about I tie you to my thong again like over New Year’s? But I won’t just do it for a day, I’ll leave you in there for weeks. You’ll literally live inside my fucking ass cheeks. Do you realize what that means, can you even hear what I’m saying right now? Or what if I glued you in between my toes and kept you in my shoes for even longer? How’d you like to spend the entire summer choking on more of my fucking toejam and washing it down with all that nasty sweat, and I’ll make sure to never take you out from in between, I might as well even leave you there for the rest of the year. Why not, what would I have to lose anyways? Or I could try attaching you to my dildo again and go back to fucking your puny little body and shoving it up my cunt. How about I add that to your little life-long sentence? In addition to being shrunken, which right now is the only thing you have to worry about, I will promise you that every… single… night… for the rest of your worthless little life… you’ll get buried up your little sister’s pussy, beaten and bruised and broken inside it for years, maybe even decades. Decades of letting me fucking rope you senseless because you’re too fucking stupid to obey. Until one day it actually does kill you, and then your funeral will be when I get my period and flush you down the toilet. Right now I’m just being nice enough to admit that you’re my brother, but we both know that I’m not just your sister anymore, I’m your fucking master, I am your owner, I am your god, and you will never be anything more in your pathetic little life than my tiny fucking sIave.”

Silence hung in the air between the two of them. Denver’s body was violently trembling in fear like he’d been caught naked in a snowstorm. He didn’t think his sister had it in her to say something like that, but now that she had, he believed every single word she’d said. Suddenly, his attempt at a minor victory over her by keeping his money was utterly unimportant. It paled in comparison to the hellish life he now realized he could have.

“So, once again, I’ll ask you one last time,” Jackie stated, calmly and more cool that before. “Do you want to tell me the details for your bank account, accept your current punishment of licking my ass clean, which I’m sure you now realize is very gracious and light compared to what I could do… or do you want to tell me ‘no’ one last time?”

It was obvious. The microscopic amount of pride Denver would retain by keeping his bank info a secret would be vanquished by even a fraction of what Jackie had threatened him with. No amount of money was worth months, or even years, of brutality at the hands of his little sister. He still couldn’t even fully believe the idea that the person he’d grown up with ever since they were babies would now betray him as ruthlessly as she suggested—but his life was so hopeless and his body so puny, that he had to heed even the slimmest chance that she was being serious. So with a heavy heart, knowing he would never know what “victory” was for the rest of his life, as long as Jackie watched over him, he divulged his precious information and gave her the access she so keenly desired. Almost $50,000 saved up, the spoils of almost a decade of work. And now, in less than 5 minutes, Jackie had made it hers.

With a great big sigh of relief, Jackie closed her eyes and smiled. Fortunately for the both of them, that would be the last time he ever tried to defy her for the remainder of his days. But before the rest of his life came to pass, he first had a punishment he had to go through with.



Love that her punishments are ramping up! Might have to consider a commission now where Denver continues to refuse to give over his bank information—-both for the satisfaction in having him defy her, and seeing where her imagination might lead. Curious still to see if the effects are permanent or if Denver is freed somehow. Great series!!


I've read the last parts, I really don't like where Jackie's going with this last few chapters in Christmas and New years Eve she still seems like she would care for her brother, but now she just is becoming a totally cruel bitch like a full 180.


sorry you feel that way, some of the plot choices are mine but it wasnt totally my decision where the story was meant to end up. still did my best to make it good tho!