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[This is the ad free episode of this week's regular YKS, right here, for you! The ad's not that bad, I don't think. But now you can do something else with your extra 3 minutes. Do 10% of a Rachel Ray recipe? So you can open a can of beans. Cool. Well, enjoy the beans and thanks for supporting YKS.] 

Oh no! It's almost time for the big episode to come out and we don't have a title! Let's see, let's see...I know I had a list of great episode titles around here somewhere. The Grouse of Mouse? Doesn't make sense. Fries with That? No, should have used that for the Doughboys ep. Poop Olympics? That's great but I think we already used it. Dang it! We don't have time for this. I'm just going to have to go with the next thing I pull out of the big Title Hat. I hope it's good, or people are gonna be really mad at me and not Mike for some reason. Okay. It's time. Here goes nothin!

Music for YKS is courtesy of the Hell Yeah Babies, Craig Dickman, Howell Dawdy, and Mark Brendle. Additional research by Zeke Golvin. YKS is edited by Producer Dan. Executive Producer PBostrom.



Andy Cassidy

People get mad at you and not Mike because you are Father. It's very simple Freudian displacement.


cool. cant wait to listen to this.


Havent listened yet but im out here laughing at just the title.


Ngl old man lifestyle sounds legit