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[Once again it's the ad-free remix of YKS Regular in your YKS Premium feed. This week we just did an ad for Patreon, so it would have been really weird to serve that to you here. However! I will say that if you don't know yet, we have a new subscription level called The Squeeze Louise, which compared to The Sporange level, nets you an additional bonus episode every month, a weekly newsletter, discounts on merch, and more. It's $3 which doesn't match any economy of scale or cost of production really. Arbitrary number. And if you're still on the old Respect Level Ruby tier, come on down, save yourself $2. Same great rewards there. Ok see ya]

Hey...have you ever wanted to surf? Well grab a board and hang ten brah! It's a gnarly podcast ocean out there and we're just trying to catch a wave....Sheeaahhh man! Alright enough of that. It's time to post the show. This week we're toasting our phones, enjoying the new Drill (same as the old Drill?), and finally trumping Trump with -- what else -- song! Come along with the boys and remember the bad experience of going to a water park as a kid, plus answer the question all capitalists want to know: What's in your wallet? Tubular! Ran out of surfing guy stuff to say, sorry. 




cool. cant wait to listen to this.


Thumbs up

Brian Williams

You do know Brian. I need to figure out who bought the stupid fucking drill in my name.

Drew Garner

Hey JF hope you made DB listen to the ad you did on the regular episode. Really strong solo effort there. Proud of you.

Jo Reid

I am chewing now so that’s good

Eliot Clasen

JF talking fast af on this one. Jesus.