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As I said, this is happening and it is happening fast. 

Check this demo out



InvestAnswers on Twitter: "Just a casual reminder that in the next 24 months, we'll witness a mind-blowing transformation that'll melt faces. Wall Street still think Tesla is a car company akin $GM. #Tesla #AI #Bots #AGI #Revolution Probably nothing 🤣 @el

Just a casual reminder that in the next 24 months, we'll witness a mind-blowing transformation that'll melt faces. Wall Street still think Tesla is a car company akin $GM. #Tesla #AI #Bots #AGI #Revolution Probably nothing 🤣 @elonmusk https://t.co/dwle54dtgt



TSLA stock drops to $50 if Musk leaves. If he stays, TSLA goes to $1000+ as he drives Optimus to completion. Musk is giving shareholders an opportunity to retain him. It's a no-brainer. Either give him control or let wokes take over and make it into another GM or BudLight.


The risk of loading up... and then the announcement to impact the plan