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Why is Elon so unpopular with the media? Simple - X is hurting traditional media. 

According to the graph, the number of visitors to all of the websites listed has decreased in the past year. The website that has seen the biggest decrease is msn.com, with a decrease of 28%. The smallest decrease is finance.yahoo.com, with a decrease of 10%.

Regarding X's traffic, the data does show a 22.3% Y-o-Y INCREASE! 

h/t Sanjay for the image




Many Aibo and Elon AI new Bots play soccer each week. Long ago we filtered out frail human mind bullshitery trash like over hyped X twitter ,MSN and Elons META fight club pal Mark Z. Alpha BTC /ETH miners like HIVE and CLSK may skyrocket just in months ahead like Woods new AI crypto ETFs. As for the 2 neuro divergent pests MarkZ and ELON they need may be 6 months im rehab for ALEX JONES child abuse style RAGE ads they make each week. I added TLSQ to cure the TLSS I own and hedged with a donation to GOEV CANOO BULLDOG on the overpriced hyped simple to build EVs and bots that lose to me in soccer from my SONY build visual FSD circa year 1999....my pet Ibots clean my laundry/floors.


My issue with those news sites are more than half their articles link to 3rd party sites with cookie popups that you need to accept so you can read the news or a bazillion advertisements that are so in your face. It has made me use these services definitely way less than what I use to:)