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BE WARNED: CBDC's Coming Real Soo

Dutch Rabobank's intrusive cash withdrawal procedures raise concerns about financial privacy and control.  In a move that has sparked outrage among customers, Rabobank in the Netherlands has begun asking customers to provide justification for withdrawing their own cash. This unprecedented step comes as the country moves closer to a cashless society, a trend that has many worried about the erosion of financial privacy and the increasing control that banks have over our money.  

Rabobank's new policy requires customers to explain why they need to withdraw cash and what they plan to use it for. They may even be asked to provide documentation to support their request. This intrusive measure has been met with fierce criticism from customers, who argue that it is a violation of their privacy and an infringement on their right to access their own money.  The bank's justification for the policy is that it is necessary to combat money laundering and other financial crimes. 

However, many believe that this is simply a pretext for further consolidating power and control over customers' finances.  The rise of cashless societies is a worrying trend for many reasons. It makes it easier for governments and banks to track our spending habits, and it gives them more power to control our finances. In a cashless society, it would be much easier for banks to freeze our accounts or even confiscate our money without our consent.




Niet goed! Not good! 🥺


I am planning a head and plan to leave the Netherlands as soon as i can quit my 9 -5 job.(8 to 10 years) We seem to be front running all the WEF plans. I am so done with this country. Our PM walks around with WEF logo on his bag to our parliament. We have asked through freedom of information act(WOO in Dutch) they refuse and stall, and use the king protection laws to hide wat the queen is doing by promoting CBDC. /puke


They do this in Australia too.. as if it's any of their damned business what I do with my hard earned coin!


They will lose my business. My wife will leave with me, and she has all the money so…fy RB


Total pile of BS - in the name of 'consumer protection'


I am in SoCal and use several banks. The credit union I have been with for over 30 years now has a limit of $5k per day cash withdrawal AND they REQUIRE knowing what it will be used for!!! Stunning change of policy!


lol the disclaimer / conditions at the bottom


I left Rabobank exactly because of this type of power grab stuff. Also because they work with Blackrock.


Brutal.. They will create a revolt.