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Hi Team

Yesterday I added more tesla - stock was at $245. There were a lot of Q's re what I bought - I did not have time to put in the detail at the time... and no it was NOT an equity buy. 

  • I sold the Jan 17, 2025 $250 Puts 
  • I bought the Jan 17, 2025 $240 Calls
  • Net Debit was $15.7

Remember I sell someone the right to PUT me Tesla stock at $250.  If Tesla goes to $100 I lose $150 a share. Ouch!!! on Ten contracts for example that is 150K

If Tesla stays above $250 by Jan 2025 I pocket the Premium which was hefty (over $52)

My breakeven on this trade is for TESLA to be above $255.70 by Jan 2025.




James, NFA I'm sitting on Jan'24 call @150 would you hold it or sell it... Looking to understand the Call/Put strategy. If I buy the underlying 100 shares (which I could) I would have 220 total...


James - I am following this on my paper trading account. Could you please advise when you make any changes / buys / sells to this trade? Thanks guru!!


James. Have you ever covered whether we have enough electricity in the US to support all the electric cars? I know Elon was telling power companies to build a lot more capacity. Tesla's headquarters here in Austin is in big trouble if Texas terrible electric grid goes down in the news cycle and Texas government tells everybody with an electric car that they can't use it so we can all have air conditioning in our homes and keep other critical infrastructure working. I view this as a huge potential hit to the stock. It seems to be only getting hotter in Texas and for many more over 100 degree days as our population explodes. We had several warnings to conserve power this summer and this is before all the Tesla's, as they ramp production, start sucking major amps out of the Texas grid.


The force is strong with James 🤯


Me to at 244 - thanks James


I apologize to James in advance for the following comment, but it needs to be said. If you're new to the options world and want to learn, you need to do what I did years ago and go to what I call YouTube University and find all the tubers teaching about options. There are so many and a lot of really good ones which I will not promote on James' page out of respect. He probably doesn't care. Just youtube options trading and start there. Then the responsibility falls on you to weed out the crap from the cream. James has covered options in several videos, but not nearly as in depth as many tubers out there. Then watch the videos over and over again and one major tip. Start paper trading options as you're learning. This will increase and speed up your knowledge/learning massively. Learn to use optionstrat.com. The best time to start learning was yesterday. The second best time is NOW. Get going and your future you will thank you. You can do it.


Agreed. I've learned SO much from IA on youtube but there are a few other great channels for this. You'll find them. But this is my main advice: keep at it. I tried, got confused as hell, then gave up but came by from another try. Make yourself a black coffee, sit down and dig in. Once it "clicks" with you, it's "on" forever and you can't unlearn it and it seems so easy and clear. I remember way back probably 2 years ago James just mentioned briefly on a Q&A video that a great way for passive income was "selling covered calls" I didn't know what the hell that meant but I wrote it down as I was DESPERATE to quit my full time job and that started my journey...now have been out of my full time gig for over a year doing a variety of things for income but I can NOT thank IA enough for being such a huge part of my journey.