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During 2020, U.S. citizens managed to amass an impressive $6 trillion in personal savings. However, a surge in inflation and the reopening of the economy swiftly eroded that substantial sum.

As of the present, the total personal savings have dwindled to $862 billion. This marks a 43% drop from the pre-pandemic level.

In other words, U.S. citizens find themselves with limited financial cushioning just as inflation remains elevated and the economy faces the possibility of entering a recession.




WHY THE FUD? that graph shows savings have been growing since 2022?


Possibly more people are investing money rather than just sticking it into a savings account. I know I am.


Stagflation incoming!


Explains the lag in the reduction of personal spending during this recession. Spend savings then borrow, into financial crisis, Add higher unemployment and real estate crash then spending stops as the economy slows to true recession. Rates will have to come down prior to the fed refinance of debt to minimize the printing. Predictable.


My savings was what got me through Covid. My two business were shut for 11 months while there was a boom’ in more conservative areas. I will never forget this and have been POWER SAVING ever since. Aside from buying btc/eth/&sol 😃


Yeah covid F”d my business from 380K approx per year … to 3 years of nothing. Took 4 years of hard work to get it to profitable … its hard to not be bit jaded and bitter


Could it be cause savings are now being invested