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I spent a large part of the afternoon working on my fifth model to estimate the true number of wholecoiners. The results are startling, and I'll be sharing them in a video in the next few days.

The scarcity of wholecoiners is staggering. There will be FAR LESS than 1 million people in the world who will ever own one whole Bitcoin, and the number is shrinking every day. This scarcity makes Bitcoin a very attractive asset, and I believe that it is only a matter of time before the price of Bitcoin explodes.

My worst-case scenario is that Bitcoin will reach 600,000 by 2030. This would represent a 20x return from today's prices. Given the scarcity of wholecoiners and the potential for future growth, I believe that this is a very conservative estimate.

The scarcity of wholecoiners is only going to increase over time, so the math is making me extremely bullish, more than ever before.

I will buying in at the next Layer Out Level below at 29.26K and change. Bigger buys 3x if we go to 27.2K etc.



Anyone know off the top of their head what the ratio was for sol if BTC is 20x


So happy to have become a whole coiner about 6 months ago! And I'm still stacking!


Mashinsky has my whole coin! And I hope from the support of this community I can get there again!


I hope you will get it back someday, sorry to hear about it


I had fun getting BTC when it was a little over 15k. thanks James, I will buy the dip as well


Thank you James!


I bought too many. If you're looking to buy some after Blackrock buys it up, let me know😂


I’m going to go 60/40 $MSTR/$DVN perfect diversification


I was there, hurts but i got it a week ago. If i can you can, keep going!


You most definitively can !! A few hundred bucks a month at least you’ll get there. Good luck


Jeff, are referring to Devon Energy?


Been a double coiner since June last year. Only been buying eth and solana since , w some ftm and avax left over from last bull. I’m excited. Also honored to be a part of this sweet community!! THANK U JAMES! YOUR A GEM


Thank you James.


Enjoying Bananarama. ~ Shrimp. =) 2 Octopiiiiiiii. =) So many homies got knocked out. Final NET. .... Cruel Summer. ... *LEAVING ME HERE ON MY OWN* What are ya gonna do??? =) Told Em. ~ JOIN the SQUAD.


I have multiple friends with significant education (masters/phd in economics and finance) who hate btc because they claim to not understand it. They will make fun of me for owning btc and are convinced it’s “tulip bulbs”. Every time I get this type of commentary from them I become more bullish because I know it’s not too late to stack aggressively at these prices. Once this type of thinking vanishes, the ability to become a whole coiner will probably vanish.


Almost got my second... steady dca for the win


Difficult one for many who got in fairly high and have brought their cost basis down around the 40s or under 50k. If you’ve got more than 1BTC at this price, you struggle to add more if you you don’t have constant in flow of spare cash or if you have diversified investment with things like Tesla etc. By the time you have a bit of money come in, you want to top up your high risk high returns bags like Sol etc hoping it hits your target, you sell and then wait to get some more BTC. Caught in that sort of situation where you think you are quite heavy on top names as one was trying hard to get those cost basis down after the mess in 2022. So you got to make tricky decision around your higher risks taking options. Glad though that been able bring those average buy prices for priority bags down significantly to laugh in the bull market. Anyone been through same path and how you navigating it???


Love these facts James


I only have 100ish BTC and would like to learn how to grow my stack up to 500BTC @ least because I'd like to relax thinking I have enough to pay the bills until my final dirt nap.


Thx. James - happy to be a multiple wholecoiner....-)) DSA is phantastic but still bullish on BTC, ETH and SOL.... try to get what I can


Do you need a helicopter for your super yacht? 500 BTC=$15M USD at today’s price yes?


The absolute best strategy to accumulate BTC is to DCA on a regular.. The value of BTC by the time you need to use it, as a financial tool will, if you are younger than 75, always be higher than the value of the fiat you converted from at the time of DCA.. no matter when.. no matter what price. The ONE thing to concentrate on IMHO is earning more $$ through better work output or enhanced services, too allow one to convert more $$ per DCA activity, while not hindering(too much) one's life style. Trading is a great gamble & BTC representing the efforts you put out in the world to earn the $$ you use to convert into BTC must be respected & not gambled. IMHO but I do not have a PHD


Since 2015 I've noticed that people with great academic achievements have had great difficulty putting in the work to understand the significance of Bitcoin(international network of trustless instant remittance) & BTC(unit of account-there will always be 100.000.000Sats per 1 BTC).. Both make 1.. This is the way. Onwards.


A super yacht is well over $50mn.. And of course, were I to have a super yacht, it'd need a helicopter to go with it; and so much more.. like a little bubble sub(or a couple) a few boats, couple of toys...


I hope you are kidding otherwise I'll stalk you, kidnap you and rob your bitcoin


Thanks for sharing the limit orders, I was waiting for those since days.


Do threats come standard with Patreon membership Arturo?? Ever heard of multisig. You can always hurt me but you'll never get my BTC & then you'll have ruined your life... even I don't have access to it.


Thanks for all you do James! :) this is awesome


Thanks K8.. first posts here and I'm already getting threats of kidnapping & robbery.. Arturo 19min I hope you are kidding otherwise I'll stalk you, kidnap you and rob your bitcoin You told me these were alphas that could help .. so far only envy & jealousy have transpired. I "get" the no "one on one help" but you guys have purchased the BTC Art I make & I had hoped for a little kindness at least because I created for James a custom BTC Geode with his colors and gold leaf and even gold coin inserted.. which never makes it in the background.! I guess you guys don't like it that much after all


Arturo 31min I hope you are kidding otherwise I'll stalk you, kidnap you and rob your bitcoin Where I live, to threaten someone with kidnapping & robbery is VERY illegal.. Even though multisig & military grade securities protects my BTC(of course), this attitude really grinds my gears & perhaps I should call the federal police, to at least help stop such violent & abhorrent behavior.


I just spent $175+ for a year of IA Patreon .. Basically 1/3 of the price of the BTC Geode I made & sent to you James, so I'm not at a $ loss per say but let me tell ya bud, the ("Alpha" as K8 puts it) community communications I've had so far, is diametrically opposed to the expectations K8 had me believe I'd experience. What a let down.


It was a joke Gael. We have shrimp to whales in here. Don't take things to personal. Have a great day everyone!


We are definitely in a bull market judging from the number of replies, likes, and new posters in the IA Patreon community. Welcome everyone! When people start attacking James and quoting crypto influencers that contradict his takes, we will officially be back in a bear.


Before you hype on buying Bitcoin ask yourself a question is there a chance that Bitcoin will see new ATL before 2030? 👀


Kinda tired of hearing the hopium for the last 2-3 years tbh. All I know is I'm still under water and am getting rather impatient. No one's fault but my own but boy does it create bad energy for me.


Is there a daily chat…or chat room where members hang out each morning/day. I’m trying my best to keep up with the latest news, thoughts and ideas. Thanks.


Stay positive my man. Like you I’ve had a real rough go of it over the last two years. I’ve been scammed, lost a ton with exchanges that went belly up, rug pulled etc. but I am more aware now and the next two years will be far better than the last two.


on Discord, i don't go there often because there is already much info on discourse, but we should keep the discord alive


Thank you. I get confused with Patreon, Discord and all the different options. I just wish there was a single format to see videos, and intersect with members and talk live trades.


I am too in some area's , but not worried as I know what coming, i was green in last cycle and got caught up in it.. when you feel like this best thing to do is zoom out on the time frame , and look at the bigger picture and direction.. its very easy when you are close up to feel frustrated, but the cycles each time are almost identical


New member. First post but it's my 3rd cycle. First got involved in the space in 2016.. was a gold silver guy before then. In 2017 once I got the btc bug !! I decided not to open bank accounts for my young children but buy 1 btc each and have some physical gold and silver . Missed the 2017 top held and held through bear. Sold 1 btc for eth in 2021 to ride alt season and be sensible because it's their inheritance . Sold 1 btc at 53k and all the eth at just under 4k. Lucky break . Due to all the confusion and fud with exchanges and because you can buy them in a tax free ISA I decided this cycle I would play miners rather than btc So in Jan -march bought miners . Iren was my number 1 and TP for 60% was 6 bucks . Now things are clearer with the sector I was hoping an etf would be approved by now so I could convert profits into physical btc within the ISA but that is not possible so have started buying between 28 and 30k. No one in the family is currently a whole coiner but we all plan to be again...really enjoying being part of the group. 👍👍


It sounds like you might of FOMO invested into the last crypto bull run. I think we have all felt similar to that at some point or another Mighty Tinman. I myself lost a bit of money in Celsius and don’t expect to see most of it back when the bankruptcy is finished. Hopefully if you DYOR it will help you feel more comfortable in the assets you chose and if not then hopefully you have the option to get out.


Dumb question but is there such a thing as too scarce? Like it will remain a niche?


I've been a patreon member for about a year, and still never figured the discord/ discourse out.


Same here. I find discord difficult to navigate. I tried earlier and couldn’t even find the group on there.


That means anyone who owns one Bitcoin would be in the top 0.0075% where 600,000/8,000,000,000*100. A real nightmare of inequality.


Amazing how despite being told all about FOMO, I still did it when the greed monkey took over... Lesson learned. Experience gained.


Don't forget to take your grain of salt with any crypto YouTuber


Jim is one of the smart people, probably smarter than most of them . He is a numbers guy an models. Keep it up and thank you!


Since joining the community in 2021, I now have 1-1/2 BTC and a bunch of SOL. I’ve read 3 books on BTC, read Jeff Booth’s Price of Tomorrow, signed up for a Trading View account, learned how to place my BTC into cold storage, safely. All the while, running a $60m company. I’m 69 years old and I wish I were 10 years younger to enjoy the coming changes to the world of digital currency. James, thank you for being the constant I so depend on. Peace ☮️ Brother