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Since Jan - my Tesla position has exploded in size due to heavy leverage.  Note this is pure form Bitcoin (excludes proxies like a heavy MSTR position). 

I am debating whether or not to rebalance. If BTC hits 25K I will rebalance. 




I noticed this last week with SOL, its run up threw my portfolio out of balance. I guess at that point the only thing to do is pair trade and increase bags!


With your 2032 price predictions for TSLA (and BTC for that matter) why not just leave it alone?


Interesting. I was at a heavy loss in Tesla when it bottomed last year. Sold everything I had and bought back in. Now my position is just back in profit. Lesson here for me is to hedge or take profits when or just before the tide turn. Second lesson learnt. Stay in fewer high conviction companies that you understand well.


Thanks for giving us your thoughts they are truly enlightening and educational. One of my mistakes is deploying too early once a correction begins. I've got about 12 % ready to re deploy and I'm gonna try and be more aggressive with it should we see an opportunity


What would your ratio look like if you include BTC proxies (MSTR and miners)?


I have cash on the side lines, is it best to wait for a good dip during September or buy Tesla and BTC now, just don't wont to FOMO in. Then looking to then learn and use IA Pair Trading on Steroids to grow my bags. Taking a few days holiday to get to grips with it considering im a total noob.


James the king 🤴!


I don't expect it to hit $25K... but then again have been wrong before


James, how would you play the same trading pair but with Tesla and GBTC?


Thanks for your support means a lot. PS would you wait or jump on the train at this point?


I just sold 1/3 of my XRP into SOL. I will sell more as the pair trade makes sense


Thank you James for answering my question 🙏


so today i reached 100 shares in Tesla in my Pension. I intend to keep investing in Tesla in the near future and also increase my MSTR holding. My aim is to retire at 57 in 7 years time and I am optimistic I will achieve it absorbing all the great content in this community . A big thanks from a novice keen to learn and build his bags.


From Provence, south of France😎 as always thanks for great advice. Let's hope the shares go up on earnings call as they should. Ps. Charging an electric car is a bit of a fuss in France.


James You're my best friend I never met. So greatful for you and your team! Love you brother!


If you had $50k to invest in TSLA for a year would it be best to buy the stock outright or Long Call options…not looking for Financial Advice but rather a method or process of how to do such a think. Like you, I think TSLA and BTC will have similar growth for a year and I think there is a way to make much more with options…how would someone proceed? Buy calls at strike a year out??


How is everyone thinking about TSLA earnings today… was flirting with selling 25% to hedge the sell the news crowd… could imagine people taking profits. I am trading in an IRA so no tax considerations


When you say you've used heavy leverage to grow your Tesla position, could you please explain how you've done that?? Thanks.


Possible reasons for Bitcoin to drop, Blackrock not getting an EFT. That should do it. Last best buying opportunity this bull run.


It is altcoin season, so sell both and buy Solana and Ethereum.