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Lets look at the data

Key numbers above

  • 92K EVs in inventory
  • 92 Days of Supply (Avg for ICE is 55 days)
  • 51% of Americans are considering an EV right now (new record)
  • Model Y inventory available as a % of ALL EVs in Inventory in the USofA = 0.31%

Truth is from all the data - Best Selling Car on Earth (Model Y) is selling and it is crushing all other EV's right now

Data source: Axios https://www.axios.com/2023/07/10/unsold-electric-cars-are-piling-up-on-dealer-lots




I want a model Y. And a full size van when available


Whats the next layer in level for Tesla??NFA


I agree, need a drop to get a buy in


Drive one...you will want one...🤣


doesnt the high days of supply indicate EV not moving off lots as fast?


Everything EV🚀🚀 Walkaround article about Pepsi's Tesla Semi. Nice🔥 Any thoughts on EVTOL? UAL & Archer in partnership, wish I could post pictures. UAL fleet looks crazy!!


That's my thoughts. I don't see anything wrong with the title of the piece. Does the article say Tesla's not selling? Is this an outrage looking for a victim?


i think the high supply may just indicate a ramp up of production and overall supply of ev that is leading vs where people are buying... ie makers are over-anticipating demand or perhaps intentionally not producing ICE as much. isnt it weird well after pandemic that its almost impossible to buy the ICE car you want? that cant be a coincidence across all makers


Nice to Join this community. exciting to be part of the future of Tesla


I'm actually seriously considering rolling out of my 22' Tesla Model Y Performance. You won't be able to travel between Austin, Houston and Dallas without huge waits at Superchargers (there are already waits, with just Teslas). Maybe revisit in 5 yrs. when the charging network is more built out. Also, not just a Texas issue... superchargers in Denver are also in super high demand, again, with just Tesla cars. Add Ford, GM, Mercedes and the rest... forget about it ;-) You won't be able to road trip in an EV without a huge inconvenience.


Waiting for a cyber truck 🥰


Unless I'm not understanding correctly, it looks like Tesla is the only EV maker that is selling cars (other EV models have 92 days of inventory, but not Tesla). Which seems to make sense. If one is considering a new technology for a car, you want it to work, which means until or unless there is rough parity in reliability among manufacturers, why take a chance on a company that is not the leader in the new technology?


confused.. isn't 92 days worth in stock worse than 55?


correct. i think point is Teslas are selling, all other EVs are lagging sales but production is coming fast.


Sawyer's tweet explains same indeed https://twitter.com/SawyerMerritt/status/1678522292458889216?t=uFn6HaCwKNVHnnqXLowm8g&s=19


ah ok i was afraid to ask and now am shamefully in it so... this is EV inventory not just Tesla? Makes sense this way as Tesla works it's mass availability pricing angle.. Honda Civic vs Model 3.. no brainer. I think there is another round of car repos coming which might lead to very cheap used cars market and further electric vehicles inventories, sure Tesla will be ahead but might get slowed down. Technology seems to have a way to become cheaper faster though so maybe Tesla will be able to continuously lower the limbo bar


Crash 1 and you won't 😃 just got a 10.000$ quote for new door skin and 3 month wait!


Yes, I think what the data is showing is that it's other EVs (not Teslas)


And updates on the Cyber truck delivery????


main stream media is trying to delay the inevitable downfall of legacy systems and companies - i think only boomers still watch the "news"


Super agree. Our values will prevail and we will change things!


Does the US matter given the sluggish adoption of EVs compared to other countries? If the market is so small then the Tesla analysis should focus on the other countries.