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Hi Team

as you know I have a lot of SL's on MSTR. 

I opened up a short call position against a part of my SL position - I sold the June $310 Calls for just under $40 (fills at $39.91) - MSTR was trading at $300.51 at the time. 

My breakeven point is $350 before June - 73 days of time value plus $10 of Intrinsic Value. 

The VIX spiked which drove Options prices very high. 

My plan is to buy them back over the next 73 days and I hope BTC does not blow past 

A huge thank you to ARB CLOUD - this is such a fun tool playing the arb between MSTR and Bitcoin. 

2 hrs 20 mins ago

a few mins ago 

my ARB Cloud Settings




42 year old Engineer with busy day job here. Do I need to get on this IADSS system? Feel like im NGMI


I think the banking crisis seemingly averted BTC will be seen as a risk on asset and when market crashes BTC will go with it. People have short memories.


depends how active you are in the markets, your experience level and how much money you are moving around. For example DCAS is justified if you have $1100 invested. IADSS at $150/mth you need to be somewhat experienced and also moving at least $5K in the markets. I am posting a video later today where I trained Kasia - a complete novice on how to use it. We will see how she gets on. Watch that vid to learn more.


Haha that’s why I said “seemingly” just because the spotlight now on trump (classic the story tactic) we have some major headwind ahead.


Appreciate the response & video good sir 🙏. Have basic trading knowledge/experience (haven't messed with options yet) and looking to get more active in my fidelity Roth IRA and (taxable) crypto accounts. Curious how one tracks the later for tax man, (maybe Coinbase does it all for me now?!)


So I understand if James is selling mstr 310 calls then he thinks mstr is going higher? Do I have that correct?


selling a call means you anticipate the price of MSTR to go down (not higher)