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TX as we know is pro Bitcoin and Pro Bitcoin mining. 

Senate made a weird call. 

I am not worried about TX based miners as I believe there is no chance that Gov. Abbot of TX would ever sign this!!!! 




I just tried to send fiat to my Monzo account (crypto friendly bank) from my main bank app. They are asking why I'm sending money to the account - BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS MY MONEY AND I WANT TO! They quite quickly ask if it's to send to a cypto exchange. This chokepoint 2.0 is real and getting worse. I'm not easily concerned - but this is actually worrying me and I fear for BTC and cypto adoption.


Which listed miners are TX based?


Never, NEVEUR underestimate the decisions of any politician! There is a major probability that this “ nice” gov will sign this bill, be surprised!!


Wait wait, let’s hold on here. I think there is an issue with the language here. This make is sound like the bill is to prohibit bitcoin coin mining. WHICH IS NOT THE CASE! This bill is primarily to remove tax abatements and includes language around when Texas’ already crappy grid is overwhelmed. Basically Texas is paying miners to not over stress their grid. Which is crap, as a tax payer I wouldn’t want to pay miners not to cause a blackout either. Come on guys read the actual info, not just Twitter headlines.


As Woody Guthrie said, California is the garden of Eden, but you can always go down to Texas if you ain't got that do re me.


Ignorant teachers or someone are training our kids wrong. I mentioned bitcoin to my 17 year old grand son and without a blink he said "oh, bitcoin is bad for the environment." So I asked him how much environmental damage does he think banks, bank buildings, and all the people who commute back and forth to them pollute?


Thanks James, it has a way to go before becoming law. Hopefully it doesn't pass either house.... is a nothing burger


Lots of exclamation points in this thread. 😉


I thought Texas was ground zero for the pro-capitalist. What's going on?


Per Mr. Google, the Texas bill in question seek to eliminate the incentive put in place to attract Miners to the State. This is a nothing burger story. One would think all the miners have already moved to Texas that wanted to move there and have utilized the incentive already? No?


And I'm paying Patreon fees for this clickbait.


All while foreign banks are expanding into crypto, The US will look back at their attempts to kill digital assets as the biggest lost opportunity of the 21st century - https://www.kitco.com/news/2023-04-04/BTG-Pactual-launches-U-S-dollar-pegged-stablecoin-while-VP-Bank-moves-to-consolidate-its-crypto-operations.html?sitetype=fullsite