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Spies amongst us…


Deep… you are deep :).


You’re likely also correct.


Just consider everyone copying you James as a form of flattery. Or theft. One or the other! 😜


IA the OG


Talking about China in anything other than glowing terms is risky for someone dependant on YouTube for their income


Is there a way to buy call options on your YouTube channel? The growth is incredible :)


Hahaha! Is this a trick question ⁉️😂


Some have already made mention of it, but I don't think they really understand the repercussions of it like you do.


It doesn’t matter what the others are doing. They’re on a different level.


If they don't, then they are not worth watching.


Banality paves the way for creativity.. Hopefully.


Only because you are the man James!


James you are one of a kind ! The unique UNIQUE <3


Best infos


NLW on The Breakdown already did. And he presented an opposing viewpoint by reading a tweet storm. You need to listen to his story and present the other viewpoint tomorrow….to give a complete picture. Which side is right? Probably neither as the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. But a pancake has 2 sides.


I was thinking the same myself when I saw your previous post... wonder will many crypto YouTubers have enough knowledge on this to risk diving in. Let's see!


IA channel… where we NEVER SLEEP :)


A pancake mention at this hour could create trouble :). Late night breakfast.


Coin Bureau covered it yesterday in a long Telegram message.


Guy from Coin Bureau is already on it. But we need your take as well 🙏🏼


George talked about it


Not strictly crypto but Heresy Financial is a great channel for macro updates. Clear explanations, no nonsense


Pomp talked about it on his show this morning


Rob might, he hates everything China.


As Oscar Wilde said , "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” 😂 I'm sure the other YouTubers are making their videos for next week Need a learned quote about others passing off your content as their own ;) Next, they will be sporting a Dunder Mifflin mug .. that's where we draw the line


Rob did it yesterday. It’s starting to go around.


I like how satoshi stacker is now doing all these retire on crypto videos now


It's amazing how many crypto YT channels are swept up in, "This bull market can't be stopped!!" myopic viewpoint. This is why I listen to you, James. You tell the bad with the good and the warnings with the excitement. The other channels will report on Evergrande AFTER the fact. You've warned us PRIOR. Thank you!


Doubt it unless there’s a copycat. Today I saw a Youtuber post about retiring on Solana🤔


I've only seen one post on r/Bitcoin subreddit get upvoted high enough to get talked about. At least it's being discussed as relevant to crypto occasionally.


What does this community need to do now to be safe if evergrade blows up


George likely talked to James...or watched James' video. ;)


I didn’t even know what it was..🤦🏼‍♀️ You stay educating me DAILY.


Only 30% will from investment youtubers


George (cryptosrus) has covered it.


The first rule of YT is, we do not talk about China!


Nathaniel Whittemore did on The Breakdown. He's great.


Yes, James is having a broad impact on the rest of the space! We are here because of math! (IA 2021) 😎


Probably copy you. To be honest i hate the YouTube platform. Originally it was set up for the people and now its just one massive exercise in censorship.


Gregory Mannarino did actually talk about some this morning and maybe a little bit yesterday. His take is that its not likely to cause a big market crash. Greg is not really a Crypto YouTuber though. He does think Cryptos need to held by everyone and that their prices are going much, much higher.


James I don't know if he falls under the crypto youtubers for you but he does talk about it regularly. https://youtu.be/tY1ort-t510


That's right. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.


Why this question, I wonder? Actually since I follow investing channels too, Evergrande has been discussed. George Gammon, on his YT Rebel Capitalist channel, also looked at Evergrande Tether link. Cryptoviewing, another channel of which I am a Patreon member, also had its analyst Martee Gibbs say September could be rocky due to Evergrande and also other issues.


James has mentioned Evergrande in previous videos. I have noticed George, Rob and other YouTubers are watching his videos and picking up on James’s ideas because they know he’s is onto something and has the knowledge and experience in the markets. I assure you IA crew, James and Alex Mashinsky will become two of the most influential people in the world because they are changing peoples life’s.


Will be interesting and enlightening to hear Lynn Aldens view Evergrande .. but James gave me my first primer ;)


Rob will. Maybe George, but I doubt many others will.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery


David beat you to it!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy0ge2UpP7M&t=7s


Wow I can’t believe I actually got in!! I was just able to snag a single spot that just opened up in Patreon. Glad to be here and am a big fan of James and IA!


"They can come closer then close, original they never will be"


Great video! Evergrande has global implications and is but one piece of the global economic puzzle that points to economic hard times in the near future IMHO. I'm preparing for the coming storm...


The YouTubers I watch who talk about economics have mentioned it but no crypto guys so far (Except IA)


Even if some do, it is not the same. I haven’t found yet another Crypto YouTuber who could crunch data and present such a deep, high-quality analysis like James does.


It was actually a tweet from Guy at CoinBureau that first alerted me about Evergrande 3 days ago. Still got the best analysis here though so far


Welcome in and congratulations on getting the spot. You will get a huge return on your membership donation. I wouldn't be surprised to see someone release a YouTube video about how to snag a spot in IA Capitalists Patreon. One member even wrote a script!


Most of them just seem to regurgitate passages from Cointelegraph.


What troubles me is they talk like their words are gospel and have no understanding about anything but crypto... I have been thinking about Evergrande for a week now. Thank you James for mentioning it and thank you for what you have done. You've changed my life...


Does Pomp count? https://youtu.be/hbw9c_sUUyc


Getting a bit cheeky in the polls there Jim,🤣👍🏻. Quality!


James, you better cover ECOMI before it's too late. After months of selling pressure the demand-supply balance has shifted in favour of buyers. Finally broke through $0.0050. I wonder whether this falls under a new classifier. "Potential powerhouses". Cover it before someone else does ;)


Yesterday, Patrick Boyle - informative - https://youtu.be/wW1boQJ2e60


Let’s see how many YTbers say “bonkers” - heard Pomp use it a couple times - imitation is the highest form or flattery!


Unbelievable material as always, cannot believe you didn't get a mention through coin bureaus top 10 crypto channels the other week- I see Rob from digital assets got a mention, perhaps you need to challenge him on that ;)


Lol, James. That's obviously a rhetorical question as evidenced by the results of your poll. Not even Raoul Pal is on this wavelength, yet! Thank you for the heads up. It's a great feeling to be in the know. Now what the heck should we do? Not looking for any investment advice, of course. 🤥


Get your tap dancing shoes out!!


You know it’s 3!! 😃😅


Pomp definitely counts , and would be the only other person aside from James that I can see mentioning it , on his business show. I can see max Keizer speaking on it. But not a crypto channel at all


You tubers will copy James! If James put out a video saying “sell your ETH and buy DOGE” I’m confident 3-5 other you tubers will give out the same advice in their videos! If these other crypto you tubers can be bought out by companies like BlockFi and tell their viewers that’s a good investment idea they clearly don’t have the morals and standards James has and would blindly repeat anything without doing the research! I’ve unsubscribed from Chris Sain, Stock Mo and others after James put me up on game! It’s all about sponsers, courses, subs and likes on you tube. Except with James who doesn’t sell courses, puts a limit on patreon and donates all profits! We have a gem here friends! James I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: you are a gentleman and a scholar, a king among men..


Guy at coinbureau sent out Telegram messages to subscribers about it.


3 🤭 😂


Agree but to be fair Pomp has been saying bonkers since at least May (recall from a recorded podcast while I was on Mexico fishing trip). Prob a “great minds think alike” situation…


I think we all know what we have here in James . Certainly for me getting my subscription for IA and locking it down has been the shrewdest move I’ve ever made .. Before I got here I was like a ship without a rudder . Now I’m able to plan for a good retirement instead of worrying how I’m going to achieve it .. I’m truly blessed


Hi James, YouTuber TylernS mentioned it on his channel just before. As you said, the economy is very global and all the big players have their fingers in every pie. They know of one pie fails, the Govts will jump to save them


Don’t understand the question


James your marketing background keeps shinning through. excellent work


News is not exclusive. I'm sure there have been plenty of people covering this in many sectors of the finance industry. I think we should stay humble as this community has honour and discretion, instead of calling other people out. Anyway, isn't copying the biggest form of flattery?


The credible YouTubers will probably look at this. But most won't.


I have seen all YT i follow cover the subject already before or at the same time as you did which is a good sign i have been following the right experts. All of you have similar thoughts in how this will resolve.


At this point I don’t really care whether we cover it here first or not, IA content is far superior. Copying us should make us feel good that we are respected and making significant contribution in the lives of community members IA is impacting lives not only of the members but their families as well


Interesting to see crypto going up today. There is a lot of coverage about China everywhere, not only on this channel. I would have expected more of a downtrend at least short term. What has been the catalyst? I would be curious to know what are other's plans - loading up more bags? I can sense a lot of bullish sentiment but these marcoeconomical event would make me guess the opposite. Would love to hear some thoughts!


You could go completely private and charge a grand for Patreon membership I'd pay it and still follow you...


Self-promotion reminds me of Bitboy Crypto.


And does so much research. The Evergreen vs Evergrande ‘connection’ James made was freaky, even if just coincidence... will there be a third?? (comes in threes)


But James actually knows what he's talking about!


Pomp already did, think he might of even beat you to the punch James


James thanks for making your self available to us newbie's .If you right i should be able to retire on crypto in a year 3 coiner here Thanks DG


It helped me understand how over leverage touches us all, when the dominos fall.


Love this James. You too smart! Thank God you have so much substance to educate your followers and you not doing all that ‘mooning’ thrash in many YouTube channels. Lucky that I stumbled on you in my 2nd month in crypto. Once i get your view on a subject, I can make a decision knowing fully well my risk and benefits! My only regret is that I didn’t know you from the the first day i started - late April this. My investment strategy would have been impeccable. Would have had almost no regrets. But very little regrets at all as I quickly adjusted following your quality services and in a healthy place now crypto wise.


I’ll never know…. I only watch James, classic rock concerts from the 70’s and 80’s NBA highlights. Boom.


James is knowledgeable, experienced, honesty, trusted, and on top he actually care for everyone and genuinely want to help others to make the difference in their financial life. I would pay any amount to him to be a member.


For those who violated his trust and shared his knowledge with others should be kicked out! Any one like me should be given a chance to be a member who agrees and appreciate him and compliant by his rules. Please James reconsider our request and don’t punish us for those who brake your trust! Thank you Sir!


Hey. I occasionally watch George he feels it will be a non event because China will bail them out. I’m still up in the air because it is potentially serious. Please note I only watch George because of James !


James, first comment here from a Capitalist member. I'd ask at Discourse, but I always seem to miss them. How does one handle tax reporting, which, done manually, I consider to be a nightmare? I haven't had much success with some commercial program offerings. So far, my best strategy has been to HODL, and therefor not create a taxable event.


On point, informative and super relevant! Than you James.


So I’m not sure who originally said “nothing burger”, but I’m starting to see it everywhere, even in print! More unconscious flattery?


Guy already did a couple of days ago.


It has a 750 billion supply with only 166 billion circulating. That’s beyond awful. They have some cool partnerships. But I don’t think enough to overcome about 600 billion of supply dumpage.


I saw that Vision Finance did a piece. Not sure they touched on crypto. But, I watched your first and therefore didn't feel I needed any more explication of the ramifications.


Do I need a wallet if I am only investing and building upon each investment?


Most crypto Youtubers live in a bubble. With little understanding of the Macro. I’ve watched them use conjecture and TA to explain away dips caused by Macro events.


Any You tuber that does not at least mention Evergrande in my opinion should be listened to with a grain of salt as they are probably not looking at the whole macro picture and giving advice blindly without understanding the importance of a global eye on global assets.


I'm sure you know this but Bitboy copies you almost verbatim after your videos. It's annoying because he doesn't cite you but its definitely your words.


Hope they do repeat your data so that everyone is properly informed. Although, my bag is slightly different I do listen to George a bit b.c his approach is to keep us aware of the FUD and forecasts some, but your data helps navigate thru it to make an informed decision for ourselves. Extremely valuable.


I saw Evergrande mentioned in Discord the other day. James responded that he was looking into it. I have been scouring the internet since then, and then out comes this beautiful quality video!! Hardest working YT’er out there!! Please keep looking for these issues. Our world is built upon multiple houses of cards. When they fall it hurts us all. But we can do things to prepare and help those around us.


I have come to the conclusion that most retailers do not understand the underlying value of crypto and simply play the game at the wrong time. James is a word or reason.


Neil McCoy-Ward does a lot of macro stuff. He buys Crypto but he's a silver nut and has a survivalist mentality but I like watching him. https://www.youtube.com/c/NeilMcCoyWard/videos


James gave a really great summary of why we should be cautious about the markets near term. Just sitting tight for myself.


Exactly what I was thinking. A little proud of himself, but he backs it up.


Please don’t get a messiah complex


In IA/James I trust BUT at the end of the day any investment I make which does not work out ie ends in a loss is my fault and my fault alone. He says “this is not investment advice it’s edutainment” and not forgetting DYOR.


I first learned on the evergrande issue from Steven VanMeter a couple weeks ago and have been paying close attention ever since. This is crucial


If you are talking about crypto wallets. Then should should have some and make yourself familiar with them. They will be an important part of the crypto eco system now and in the future. Keeping your crypto on an exchange is pretty safe especially companies like Coinbase, FTX, Kraken, Gemini. But crypto is meant for much more than sitting in exchanges, earn interest on it, stake proof of stake coins to earn rewards, shop with it. Here’s how I think of it, if everyone only bought crypto and held it on exchanges the values would plummet to nothing, because the value of the network being used gives them value and as investors we are investing in the potential of these Blockchain networks to grow in use. So the best way to help your investments is to be an active part of them


James goes 8 levels deep with details and inter-connectivity of what it is, how it relates and how it could impact you/market. The world is fortunate to have such an unselfish expert sharing their talents, we are blessed.


I think a lot of crypto you tubers are going to start making videos if they haven’t already. Mainly because they get paid for pumping out as much content as possible. This is a problem all over YouTube though, video creators are incentivized to put out as much content as possible for as many clicks as possible. So everyone copies each other and just pumps out poor quality content.


Not many if any Crypto YouTubers out there that understand financial markets and the interaction between segments. Be careful out there in Crypto YT land it’s infested with fleas 😂! James Rocks! A cut above!


James is changing lives you would never see this kind of content on real television CNBC and the like they all spin their own narratives to do you out of your hard earned cash. James looks out for the underdogs and you can be sure there are no alterior motives. Thanks for your tirelessness and honesty.


I think the fourth option should be. "It doesn't matter because I'm here for quant analysis." James, many youtubers report financial and crypto news, but I was an early Patreon capitalist because your number crunching abilities are unique. That's what sets you apart, so no need to disparage other youtubers that are just trying to keep up with your success, which is well deserved. I'm also a subscriber because of your humbleness, don't lose that.


Unless you're sending us to another Youtuber, why does it matter?


Guy from Coinbureau said on his telegram that he is researching for a video he is going to do on it.


Seconded. Yes. Others are already talking about it. Blockworks as well.


I’ve been here for awhile and for all the comments that have a problem with his last option, it does get annoying when channels with more than twice your subscribers copy your content. I think it’s OK to see that and take notice of it. James’ channel is really the only financial channel I don’t miss a video on. The others aren’t nearly as detailed and they all copy each other in the space and recycle the same information which is annoying. Last year, everyone was shilling coins and BlockFi and all sorts of stuff and it was dangerous because I would buy coins and stuff because I just didn’t know better nor did I know exactly how to properly do research and think about the finance world. Now that there are content creators like James who does his own thing and has a unique perspective, it sort of poisons the well so to speak and the other content creators can’t shill coins as much because the viewers know better and understand how to think about these projects. Just my two cents but I’m incredibly grateful for the unique perspective James brings


Yes. I just saw that Satoshi Stacker is doing a retire on solana video


Totally agree with Funerary, I'm anxious about Celsius lawsuit but am totally confident with Alex and his team. Celsius Army is ready and I for one ... can't wait for February 14 th


Something of this magnitude will have big consequences felt in all markets. Perhaps DeFi will benefit as a flight to safety. I was not impressed by the bailout of financial institutions in 2008 .


It doesn’t matter. I’m glad James covered it because I like his style and trust him. But other YouTubers covered it first from a broader perspective. Good information is powerful. I get that here.


Tom Nash and Patrick Boyle covered it but they are centered on Equities. First mention was on Patrick Boyle’s site.


The correct answer is the 3rd choice... because All Roads Lead to IA!


James keep up what you have been doing so well. Yes others have been talking about it....no reason to compare.


I believe there is a key difference between James and other tubers. Whereas others are interested in crypto and the future it brings, most tubers are only able to read charts or read news and draw connections to market predictions with little analysis. James, on the other hand, has a deep understanding of the financial system as a whole and the mechanics that make it function. So his content is always "depth over breadth" and connected to underpinnings of the financial markets as an evolving operational tool, and never just making fast cash early on or playing with a new toy. Most importantly, James has the ability to translate the formulas and numbers into layman's terms to be able to convey critical information to us - a large group of people with varied experience levels and understandings of the content. Then we comprehend how things that happen near and far affect our lives and opportunity. This is master-level teaching. It is really that simple. Tubers are also learning from him as well and it is a form of imitation--a form of flattery-- yes, it is disappointing they do not credit him where they should, but not worth throwing shade. There is no real competition here. And this is the key reason why James never has to say "smash that like" or rely on gimmicks. "Get in early" is the key and we are lucky we have. Think on how many people you have told about this channel. The Invest Answers empire may not be built in a day, but it is being built with a very solid foundation. Think of it as the "Bitcoin of the Youtube crypto channels" - a pristine asset. Have a great day everyone.


@rscx @BullishBear In relation to ECOMI token comments above: Show me a model which uses real price determination as a function of supply for any crypto. They do not exist. The brand potential is huge and has true barriers to entry. Copyright licensing on some of the world's most avidly followed brands. Enabling you to showcase all your digital collectibles and comics in your own virtual vault... The supply argument feeds into the coin only trading at $0.005, or simply it is so unknown it is just "cheap" Wait until gurus such as the Pomp get hold of this.


Absolutely needed to be covered and was covered well and put in laymans terms. Adam Cocharan did tweet extensively about this early in week with same theme about Tether paper exposure to Evergrande


What is the math behind this poll? 😉❤️Go for a run! Health is Wealth. Stay sane. Love you Sir


The more I’ve learned in crypto the more I realize everyone is packing their own bags and repeating flavor of the week news. However, James you are original and an obvious breath of fresh air. If you notice you are probably one of the only people providing original and well thought out ideas. Right or wrong no one else is out there saying anything but their opinions and having minimal data to back I’m their info, unlike you. Great job!


Evergrande has been on our radars for several years, many possible scenarios, Gov't takes over. Little guys get paid out and the big money pays the bill. Too big to fail?


On 60 minutes, about a year ago, they showed how the Chinese had built these towns in China and no one was living there! Not surprised about any of this and it is really worth a watch if you can find it online.


I feel fortunate to have found James. All of us are lucky.


I started dollar cost averaging into BTC and ETH a year ago despite my better half's questioning the validity of this move. James, your daily videos are straightforward and conservative; that's what convinced me it was the right move. Thanks for all your great guidance!


Nathaniel Whittemore uploaded a video covering it almost straight after I had finished watching James' one. Bloomberg as well but James was first that I saw


China has blood in the streets so how can we profit??


It has begun, James. Another YouTuber mentioning Evergrande … https://youtu.be/wbjey214Fic


CCP will print money and save face


from a few guys ive listened to recently, evergrande has been sliding for a couple years now and the effects have already been felt. I wouldn't overreact like i almost did today. i'm staying put unless i owned any Australian iron ore stock which i never touch antway.


Understanding the connectedness of the financial system is a key learning point, not knowing who holds the paper when the music stops is a key aspect.


Checkout Patrick Boyles channel. A very intelligent and insightful fella, much like James. Beat James to the punch by a day with the Evergrande news.


Please stay humble; humility is such a scarce commodity <3


George may have a point, maybe the $14bn printed is just for the US companies like Blackrock? TBTF companies?


Scott Melker is also talking about Evergrande on his YouTube channel


Just saw a really good video on Evergrange by a crypto YouTuber who does TA. Made me want to share it. https://youtu.be/gmuL2QxVSiQ


this post matured well