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#Evergrande and #FinancialContagion explained. What it means to you, #Crypto and the #EquityMarkets #BondMarkets. #Tether $USDT #Bitcoin https://buff.ly/3zvztQ5


Evergrande? Financial Contagion? What it means for Crypto and Markets

Evergrande #ChinaCrisis #Bitcoin #USDT #TetherUSDT IA Referral Links: Tradingview referral link $30 off: tradingview.com/?offer_id=10&aff_id=27663Celsius ...



Awesome! I need some of this explained in detail. 👏 You rock James!


Exactly the video I was wishing!


You are awesome. Looking out for all of us. Thanks for all you do and please, never stop!


Cheers James, have a good weekend.


You ROCK!!


Evergrande is non event re US market investments. This is specific to China and they have $3T in reserves. They will deal with it. NOT a Lehman moment. Any pullback in US markets around this topic is an opportunity to buy.


James. I like your enthusiasm and intensity. Glad that I picked up more Bitcoin last week. Bitcoin just might become shelter in the storm.


It's James TV time!! Looking forward to it!


Can you comment on Solana price now? Upside?


Will it hurt US real estate?


Thanks for this video and bringing it full circle from macro perspective, worldwide view and how could effect traditional economy and crypto economy.


Great briefing on China! Thank you!


Phaeton had its IEO today. Please can you comment on this in due course. Thank you ❤️


This is not a nothing burger .. lol. Gotta love the Boss .. He always makes me laugh


Great show James. Thanks for keeping us all up to date and bless you for giving back so much to us.


Would you DCA more now or wait until the China issue is resolved or until another dip? Great content as always.


James! What a scaring facts you brought.... would you recommend to move 401k to stable fund instead of any other funds?


thank you.


@InvestAnswers Yes I too am worried about my 401 k since I'm close to retirement. Do I put it all in bonds? uggh Put it all in S&P 500 large caps? Keep as is mostly in large caps some small and 30% bonds (again uggh with the bonds). I have a good crypto portfolio and real estate also. The 401k did bounce back really fast after the last semi collapse when covid hit so not sure what to do.


Negra Modelo is perfect for late summer. Not beverage advice of course.


With seed phrase, there is a way to remember all 12 words by creating a story in your head . You link the words together visual images in head .. With enough practice you can link many many words together in a sequence.. Same for numbers. It’s surprisingly simple to do


I have been thinking on similar lines too. I moved 20% if my 401k to stable funds this week…. but I picked a Blackrock bond fund so now I have to triple check the prospectus to check for China exposure. Will be following the general risk on/off balance discussion in the community and elsewhere.


I’ve read that people who do memory competitions can use spatial mnemonics. For instance linking a long series of words or numbers to moments / visual images along a walk that they are very familiar with.


Yeah I’ve seen some pretty impressive memory recalls, . It’s what I’m thinking about doing for my seed phrases . Obviously I’ll secure in other ways too just in case I start to go senile 😂


Thanks James as always for your hard work and knowledge.


MY point is 1) it will hit China 2) it will hit Bond Market 3) it will impact US investors like Blackrock 4) it will delay any tapering by the Fed and 6) it will drive more China money printing.... but the US stock market is looking for an excuse to sell off... this could be a catalyst. and yes I also love buying opps.


no - I do not think so. It may soften the stock market a touch and slow down money tapering.


love that.... Friday - happy day despite the red and prob coz I bought more SOL at 136 :D


I have a bunch of powder ready to deploy, I am layering in when I see opps eg SOL at 136 early this morning


Just watched a video from April with you. Kicking myself for not finding you then. Will you take bribes to get into the Capitalist tier. 😁


I am retired and would not touch bonds and never have. There are so many better places to park $$$ FIAT


RSI and MACD seem to confirm good buy of SOL at mid 140’s too.


From what I understand Evergrande debt is already trading at .20 cents on the dollar. Whoever was gonna get hit by this bus already has. It’s the bus we don’t see coming that’s gonna whack us. I look at China as 1 big company with plenty of reserves, so they will bailout Evergrande as opposed to US govt laissez faire approach with Lehman.


Been thinking for years that China owns the majority of our debt, they basically own us. They said they wanted to overtake our economy by 2025. It was out in the open when I lived in China in 2013. Could they do this by cashing out those bonds and "bankrupting" the USA?


Yuengling to you my brother. All roads....


Hey mate, I love your channel. I had zero interest in the stock market and crypto about 12 months ago untill I found your channel. I need some non financial advice 😜Please. I'm all in on Crypto at the moment 20k$ and my portfolio is relatively diverse. I've been treading water about trying to diversfy my portfolio in the stock market. I was recently looking at Index funds and ETF's and gold as I still don't know enough about investing, to invest in individual companies. My hesitation comes from whats currently going on in the world with inflation etc. I just find my money is better invested in something like Bitcoin? Am I wrong to actually make the choice to just invest in crypto or is investing in an Index fund such as Vanguard S&P 500 (This seems to be the most popular and successful one) and a few etfs a good idea? Thankyou once again for your education.


Great information-you really capture it all-appreciate you!


Hi James. I just watched your video. It appears that Palantir is correct. I’m hoping for a crash so I can load up!


Hi James, I've been a Patreon subscriber for 5 months now which reflects how much I appreciate what you do for this community, and again I want to thank you for all the effort you put into this. One area of confusion which I've been trying to reconcile is that you make two very different recommendations for portfolio allocation, and although I noticed this a while ago, this is the first time I've noticed both recommendations in the same video, so I thought I might ask for your clarification here. At about 18:45 you suggest an allocation of 1 BTC / 32 ETH / 300 SOL which currently equates to about 24% BTC / 54.5 % ETH / 21.5% SOL. At about 40:00, you return to the recommendation you've suggested many times before of about 65% BTC / 35% ETH. These are very different suggestions, so I was just wondering if you could comment on this. Thanks again!


Waiting for housing crash for last 5 years. Let's hope it happens soon. So, we can afford a place to live


Why would the housing market crash? What fundamentals do you see that are out of whack? I don’t see any, unlike 2008 when people were given money the lenders knew they could never pay back.


I chanced upon this article about JPMorgan’s “crypto expert” claim that ETH fair value is no more than $1,500. I assume there should be some credibility in it. https://www.businessinsider.com/ether-price-outlook-eth-solana-cardano-jpmorgan-blockchain-lower-competition-2021-9? With the recent competition heating up, it seems like James’ target of $8,900 still remains albeit with new reservations such as hedging it with Solana. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? Would love to hear from James if he sees this!


James said he would want 1btc 32eth and 200 solana for the ideal bag but eth would be 100k and bitcoin 47k, I thought it 65% bitcoin 😩 if this is the case I need to sell a lot of bitcoin, anyone got any info?


Don’t sell BTC. He was talking about what you need of each coin to have $1mil. It’s good to have more than one BTC, especially if it’s making your portfolio around 60/65% BTC


Re Evergrande can I state imo this is IAs most important post on the internet apart from buy BTC


30 sol, 3 eth and 1 BTC, not .1


I think what James was saying is that "ideally" would be great to hedge your bets and have 300 sol, 35 eth and 1 btc. Each hoping to generate 1 million in 10 years.


How does this compare to early signals in 2008?


Great question Sean, from my recollection, James preach 33% equally across the following assets: estate (safest), equities (medium safe) and crypto (least safe) so in the .05% probability that BTC goes to zero it will have less adverse impact to our financial health. I think it’s a matter of where you are in your life right now (as such the term personal finance) if you have more years in the work force then taking in more risk at crypto with a higher risk exposure is reasonable as you will have time to recover if things bomb 💣 out. I’ve been in index fund VTSAX and some high tech stocks and it made me decent returns but it pales in comparison to crypto. Given I have my 33% + in real estate 🏡, decent equities from my company 33%+ I sold all my vtsax and tech stocks for crypto and start to invest on only blue chips BTC, ETH And SOL knowing that it’s a safer bet in a riskier asset class. Not Financial advice hope that helps sir.


Regarding wallet solutions for mini hodlers, why not a watch-only wallet? It's the experience of holding the real one except there's no way of accessing private keys or passwords to move funds out. Just a tip for anyone who didn't know about this possibility, great for keeping track of cold storage when needed.


I heard of Evergrande 300b (or 600b?) debt but didn't bother much as i'm not in China. But you "connect the dots" + simplified it for us that a layman like me is able to understand. OMG! this is very very scary indeed! A reminder of 2008 financial crisis.. also due to mortgage debt and it spread to the whole world! What can we do to protect ourselves? More BTC? Not financial advice of course. Thank you.


ARLTBC - You just minted another US acronym "All Roads Lead To BitCoin". You should be in CNBC to educate them and the broader market.


Question: Historically, FIAT always go to zero, +600 Fiat has done it already, so do you know how long it takes from the "Trigger" of the last push of super-printing (I'd venture a dramatic shift int he slope of the curve of printing) before the end of each currency is dead right? Are we talking months, years, do you know?


WHY is September always BAD for CRYPTO? If so, should people not short GBTC and other crypto funds in end of August? or Just buy cryptos big time in mid September?


I wake up this morning to everyone talking about Evergrande being like the Lehman Brothers debacle in 2008. How many days after James’ video? 😂


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-market-news-live-updates-september-20-2021-105919123.html Stocks are grappling with a confluence of risks that are shaking confidence, and adding to September's downward trend.


Right on the money james!!