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Hi Team

5 days ago I nearly pulled the trigger on EGLD twice at 140 but my limit order was 131.  

I did not buy for 4 reasons:

1) Elrond does not score well on either the CryptoCompendium #Coinpendium nor the SCP Profiler

2) I was too chinzy on my LO

3) I have this aversion to owning too many cryptos

4) I focused on loading up on Solana

Wudda been a nice 2x in 5 days.  

You cannot catch them all and sometimes discipline means missing out. Same thing happened to me with Nvidia a few months back.  




I bought EGLD at $80 YES!!!!!!


You can have it all, just not at the same time!


Love your transparency ❤️


Also KAR making some serious moves over the last few days. Had some great returns


Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn


Thank you


I had a few but shoulda had more ….😝


Definitely can’t win them all. Keeping track one of two is hard enough…


You cant wint them all :)


Can't catch them all. Stick to your guns.


Stick to your plan sir! 👍🏻


Whittling down my holdings as well. Too damn many to track. Your guidance in that regard has been helpful, thanks James


I thought the same. Avax has been on a run as well. I decided to put more in to BTC instead as I’m not a whole coiner yet.


I love that you give all sides of the story, to provide the community with as much info as possible!


Same. I keep looking at it around those levels, but was hesitant to get in. Welp. Better to be safe, then sorry.


Should on Fantom?


Why the sharp increase, any big news to have it spike?


I’ll settle for selling AVAX when you did then buying back in the mid 30s like you mentioned and now riding that near double. It pays to listen even if the trade alert doesn’t notify.


One thing I learned from you James is staying with the blue chips and “Juait” just wait 😁💥🚀 let’s go the mother of all bulls is coming soon


Thanks for sharing / I will not forget this ❤️


Nice to know your human James. Been same with SOL, ridiculous amount now makes me so nervous 😬


James no worries. This ant Pokemon. We don't have to catch them all 😆


James how about Solrise (SLRS). I know buying pure asset(SOL) is far safer. Just wondering if this passes the compendium, I know it is quite new... so super duper risky...


Dumped THETA for EGLD. Bought at $140. Covered my 45% loss on THETA.


Thanks James. This allowed me to see how your brain operates on things you missed. This post is gold (or should I say btc?). 😀


Same here, my focus has been BTC, SOL, ETH and LINK Any new coin would have to replace one of the 4 horses or until by bags are filled to my goals. That’s the plan and I am sticking to it. 💪


James, It's like you know me! Just what I needed to hear today.


Could anything similar happen to LINK or MATIC? I also like to own few than try to catch them all.


But we got Solana 😍⭐️😌💪


FOMO always gets the best of me. I set my limits, and if it gets close, I just pull the trigger. I need to learn to be more disciplined. Good on you. Although sometimes it gets the best of you. Can’t win them all, unless your me, but then I lose more than I win. 😂


Yep.. if spread too thin the gains aren't going to be as rewarding


Horses are gonna run, can’t catch them all. I have only 5 in my stable and I’m about to swap one out, soon.


Lose a minor battle win the war. Lots more where this came from….anyway people who try to ride too many horses usually fall off


Its not the starting line its what happens at the finish... you picked Solana..the winning horse in this race!


Oh well…… life is good


James I know that solana my be ranked an A+ but will you consider other A- coins like EGLD to build up money to put into A+ coins like how you did with AVAX bought low sell high and convert to A+ coin. Thanks


ALGO, AVAX, EGLD ... they are my favorite "cudda, wudda, shudda" ...SOL too actually 😆


I love that you acknowledged this. I still think there’s room to get in given their tech is really advanced and their focus on community and user needs is what will drive them forward. Thanks


As Patreon members do we have access to the SCP profiler ? And the Coinpendium?


I got a bit at 70 (moved from HBAR partially due to James’ perspective on tokenomics and centralization). Quite happy about that, only regretting that I waited for the dip that hasn’t come at 200.00 test. Didn’t want to raise cost basis. Egld can now be bought in US via moonpay on the Maiar app, so there may still be a good entry point coming once the attention moves on.


On the bright side DOT looks like it’s waking up


I had the same problem. Saw interest in it then the price rise and decided to wait as the initial steam may have left it. How wrong was I?!


Possibly his risk tolerance is lower for this strategy and taxes are a concern


And we wonder why BTC isn't moving. Allot of money being moving around at the moment.


I appreciate hearing all of the going ons in your decision making. It allows me to understand the mindset I need to be a better investor. You have nothing to prove to me. I'm drinking the Kool aid. Thanks for sharing.


Is it too late to acquire more Sol? If not what price?


I have enough coins. I can’t keep up with anymore lol


Cudda Shudda held Luna..Tempted to FOMO into the winners, but still holding onto Zil, which has been stagnant since James did his Should I Buy? analysis. It’s a good project that will at least nibble at ETH’s ankles. Could/should be next?


My son was just telling me about EGLD the other day. I should have jumped in then but I hesitated 😫


I have been increasing my holdings of $SOL on dips ..... as James has said on numerous occasions ... back the winners.


Don’t underestimate ETH folks it will kill many of the smart contracts and network work effect is huge if AVAX or ELROd can do it why not ETH that same feature. It will rule them all.


Zil will pop at some point. To be fair I think they all will


I’m not really sure ELROD or SOls feature cannot be brought to ETH why not ?


DOT, LINK, ALGO... Playing some catch up to SOL?


Thank you for sharing:)


Glad to here this because I did sell Elrond about a week ago for some profit. I guess I got impatient and worried about it. Better then 0 profit and I also have been buying more Sol. I have a several platforms where I only bought a little bit, one where I bought at the 38+ range, and a whole bunch more on Coinbase at higher prices. Do I wish I bought more at the lower range? Of coarse but since it’s such a solid project and competing with Eth now, I feel at even the $170ish range, I will still do well overall between the 4 platforms. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


Can someone advise if I Should buy SOL in the 170’s ?


I got in and out months ago on egld. Same with avax.


It's good how you explain for Mindset .. helps in the learning process.... Thanks 😊


The first gut feeling is often the correct one. Don’t sell out on your principles, stick with the Winners. Let that one go


Don't beat yourself up. You followed your discipline, then great. Can't own them all, you said that yourself. Everything will be fine, don't stress James, thats really bad for your health and without that don't matter how many coins you got or not. Silent killer the 😩 stress.


I’ve been buying Sol at the higher end of $170 - $183. In the long run, I feel confident that you’ll make good money on it. I think Sol is here to stay for a long while.


Thanks for sharing! Also I just have to share that I told you about Quant at $77 and Luna at $5.85. You missed those too. But I think in the long run your strategies, experience, dedication and hardwork will make all of us more money than we ever could on our own, while simultaneously keeping us safer from rug pulls and bad investment decisions. You can’t catch them all- no one can. We applaud your effort though and appreciate all that you do.


Sure, that's sometimes the problem. I bought 27x EGLD 24.06. I think, a lot of people go in the direction of smaller caps.


As you say: ‘You can never get them all!’ 😉


Don't worry, be happy 😁 We are all James 😁❤️🍷 New opportunity will come with another hidden 💎 that James and team will spot on. Happy Sunday everyone, Cheers 😁🌅🍷🎶


AVAX was an interesting one selling at 48 had a chance to buy at 32.... but moving that money into SOL


As BitBoy ( I know....I know) says investing in crypto is not the only way of making money in crypto. Fundamentals and profit often diverge.


No Elrond no cry. Everything's gonna be all right. So no Elrond no cry.🙂


less is more in this game Simon and there will come a day when they crap gets exposed and you will be holding the blue chips :D


Thanks for this update James. It’s reassuring to find out that what we think sometime align with what Sir James is thinking. Can’t have it all!


James whats your thoughts on Holochain?


I missed out on Luna because I was stacking sol , Aave & more Ethereum. Can’t have them all


Don't worry James, it is always easy to judge with tomorrows newspaper... more to come, some to snipe... thanks for everything you do to keep us focus!!! Cheers all.


Out of curiosity WHY did EGLD score bad? I thought you said it did alright there were a couple of things you didn't like or you just liked Solana more... I am a holder so didnt miss out but I'd still love a bit of clarity regarding why you are not a fan


What smart contract platform would you guys still add besides eth and sol? (Not ada)


Thnx to James… cutting losses and go for faster horses.


I think this is about to happen to BTC


Don't sleep on Elrond as you can see.. Not sure how it didn't rate higher but this will be a key crypto ecosystem and will break into the top 20 here shortly.


Missed opportunity there James, however i wont let an opportunity get away from me. So I have noticed Paxos is currently $1.01and im thinking of trading it into USDC which is $0.9998. Could be a shrewd investment right there. Maths doesn't lie.


Yes, James have said 171, but its not going below 173 so I would suggests 175.1


He has mentioned 170 for SOL in last few days. Floating in the high 170's today. If BTC does decide to drop to the 43k range. It could fall into your net. He has also referenced 3100 for ETH and 43k for BTC if you are wondering too about increasing you bags on them.


Thanks for the full transparency, and the excellent point about discipline. A critical quality for financial success.


Anyone else holding AAVE? I feel like it hasn’t budged for ages lol. Not sure what to do with it, I seen James’s price prediction and doesn’t seem like it has much upside compared to the other big names.


Well I guess our consolation is that you are a tiny bit human. Still a rock star in my book


I minted one of my poems. I'm so excited for the future. https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/103491968595623584811608112539901550014820795292093933546225718904038507937793/


I did about a week ago and then it started to bore me. So I booted it out of the door and got some Polygon instead.


James you are a man of principle besides I thought we are trying to 3X.


I staked EGLD to get free air drop of MEX token, and now it's pumping! Me like! 😊👌


You are a very smart man, in a very unpredictable new evolving industry . You can’t predict them all. All I know is that your advice on Solana increased my retirement by $35,000 in a very short time !!! So grateful . 🥰👌🏼


I suddenly realised most of my cryptos were all SCP and decided a better play would be to spread accross other tech like oracle, nft, computing etc...and damn, no didn't hold elrond!


Oofff, I was gonna grab some last night but thought it ran as well. Can never catch all 500 crypto’s


No worries James we can buy it when it dips, I mean BTC at 46 now, if it slips to 43 at 2am our ridiculously low wickhunters should hit right?


Too many cases for that, ATOM 3x since exiting, Luna literally going to the moon. QNT none stop pumping.


Are you kidding? You pick the ATW!!!


James, food for thought. Due to the issues with ETH, I split my bag up finally between BTC and SOL. BTC is a guaranteed win, SOL will either move faster or at least at the speed of ETH. I realize you haven’t sold ETH because of the cost basis but I think there is a legitimate case that it will be defunct technology. ETH 2.0 with all of its upgrades and rollups — even sharding eventually — will not offer a more compelling user experience in any way than Solana (and Luna, in my opinion). Polkadot UX will be at least comparable. On every user metric, SOL is wrecking ETH right now in terms of growth. Even ETH TVL is retreating. Just sharing my thoughts.


What fundamentals drove you to “almost” buy? What things are you seeing in projects before they move? Thanks for all you do:-)


IMPOSSIBLE to guess whats going to pump like this on a regular basis. I started off trying to find the quick gainers but quickly realized its just like playing slots in Vegas. Not for me. Now I'm holding the Top 5 and I sleep so much better. Less Coins = Less Stress 😑


James, you know I had personally been sounding the alarm for some time, but that is only because I'd found value and got in very early. I would still love to see your tokenomics review and analysis. Though I have never let go because of my own affinity for the team, platform, etc, I am open to parlaying my gains into Solana, ETH and BTC at the right time. Please share your review of Elrond with us.


Don't worry, James. Your recommendations like the Retire on Crypto have been outstanding! Do you have a suggested entry point for EGLD when it wicks down? Thanks for your incredible efforts and all you do for this community!


My buddy use to work for Google, and told me about it in 2019, he got in at $20 I should've listened haha


Ha! I was just looking at it this morning wondering what you would say :)


I’m doing the same. Right now I’m doing BTC, ETC, and SOL for sure. I’m looking to do maybe three more. Maybe Chainlink, Matic and one. I’m doing my DCA on Sunday for three coins and Wednesday for the other three coins.


This is exactly what I am struggling with right now... your timing with this piece of advice and sharing is impecable. I am LEARNING patience as I wait for the coins I've invested in, like LINK, and ONE to peak... AVAX doing well today though!


What is the price target for ELGD? I've bought at 125 so I am thinking about pulling off some money


Good points Josh, Vitalik will be pretty nervous watching the growth of other platforms, especially Solana. Everything must go smoothly with ETH 2.0 and I think they need to work with Polygon as much as possible. However, as we know ETH is a powerhouse and has that first mover advantage. Will they be dethroned…


It's much better to have your discipline and know that you aren't going to "catch 'em all"!


Hi James


I think EGLD is going to moon hard


I am surprised you don't talk more about stable coins more as part of your retirement play.


This market is highly speculative. Some of these players are fair weather friends. Stick with fundamentals.


Just because a token gets pumped, doesn't mean it's a good token. Every bad token will pump to draw in retailers.


Currently we earn 9.34% on our Usdc coins at that rate our investment will double in 10 years or we use the 9.34% as a pension payment


I never understood why you sold AVAX (I know unlocking was about to happen ), but still I believe is a great project with lots of growing potential


BTW, I got in in Dec starting at $5 with and avg EGLD price of $17. After the 1st run to $245, I never cashed out. When it was as low as $65 I told as many of my friends as possible. The availability to purchase egld, eth, bnb, and btc through the cold wallet Maiar app is partly the catalyst for the 2nd run. Van de Poppe puts his his price prediction at $750 for this cycle.


Some "experts" are predicting a strong correction for SOL and that BTC can go back to 20k. Other says is very likely a crypto crash by the end of September because of legislation + pandemic. That's a bit worrying for those who bought these cryptos at a high price


Hey SoulCi. I don’t agree with these experts though anything is possible just not prices that low. There is too much adoption I’m trying to think longer term anyway. So I do like dips.


A true source leader gives information on future endeavors and predictions and Thesis/Data to back it up. Stands behind his/her analysis and explains positive/ negative findings EVEN when it’s not something he/she recommended. This is the Wild West - anything can catch lightning in bottle at any hour any day. Most of US lack focus and I thank James for the laser focus we all need.


Yes, I'm here for long term, too. Regarding to these new adoptions, are they mostly new retailers or large corporations/banks with an agenda? I wonder...


I’m in it for the long term , if it wasn’t for what I’ve learnt here who knows how many times I would of got Burnt . In James we trust 👍


CryptoCompendium & SCP Profiler failed you. Poorly researched or incorrect understanding of the project.


Five year plan. BTC and SOL all the way. If it was not for James I would have not have a path to retirement. Thank you sincerely.


James, Like you I believe the purpose of wealth is generosity. pretty much everything I know about crypto has been from being part of this group for the last 6 months or so. Based on your education and encouragement I studied particularly hard when I was forced into 14 days of quarantine in July and the result of that study was I bought over 100 Elrond between $50-100. I was disappointed to hear it didn't score well for you but I really do believe in the project and feel that it is still way undervalued. Like you say, we can't catch them all, but some of your students did, so credit to you! Thanks again for all you do.


James, appreciate your honesty as always but..... you have now enrolled a community to help and protect. You have not steered us wrong yet... thank you for all your help.


me to bud. the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter because of James


We can't get them all! But HONESTLY, who's to complain when we got Solana @ $30, I rather be on the fastest horse than the second fastest horse, why should we care less since we are way far ahead of the pack


James. You can’t call ALL of them in advance, we all know hindsight is 20/20. Plus you banged the Solana drums so loudly there is no reason any of us should have missed massive gains. I for one scales some profits out of Solana into Elrond, Cosmos, and Aave (still waiting on Aave. It was nice taking house money on Solana and doubling it on EGold. The best part is we are just getting started. As a community we will all have many opportunities to rinse and repeat the recent Solana experience. Can’t wait till I’m in Discord to meet you all!!!


I've tried to find their tokenomics which would have given a bad score I was guessing. I didn't buy because of the bad score. As you say we've still got to do our own research. Anyway happy with Solana


EGLD is my larget holding, not sure if I agree with you analysis but my own deep dive along with what Wesley Kress has put together showsthis was going to be a rocket of project.. either way, you cant win them all, NFA, DYOR but long EGLD, end of bull run price target of $2500+


Great point 👌🏼


I'm with you on the long position. Started in at $5 and stopped at $17. Bought enough that I haven't needed to add since January. Price target for me is between $750-$900. Love the vision of the team and the incredible speed. If we hit $2500 I will definitely retire.😎


thank you for being so transparent and upfront-it really helps to learn and not be so hard on oneself.


Thank you JAMES just snagged a big bag of SOL AT 135 WHOOP WHOOP I have made some mistakes But now learning fast ))


Crazy how things sometimes turn out just a little later, 120 sol,...