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Just wrote this up  recently for reference on the Your Favorite Healslut story. It’s just so I could track the cast, but ended up fleshing out more than I’d planned. Posting in case it’s interesting to anybody else. Also including some more lewd skins and notions that might be “patched” in later. 


Patcher: Unpopular for her slutty design and demeaning ways of healing. A bubbly and well-meaning healer, former prostitute who turned to medicine and invented her healing gel. Prefers to apply it by mouth (hers, not yours).

Nationality: American

Role: Healer

Weapon: none

Specials: Rocket Heels, Kiss of Life, Reviving Lapdance

Ultra: Pheromone Aura. Stuns nearby enemies, can single out one target to seduce into fucking them unconscious over time.

Skins: Nurse, Bikini, Vegas Showgirl, Bunny Outfit

Emotes: Booty Clap (turns and claps her ass for the camera), You Suck (squats down, points ahead, then mimes out a blowjob), Pocket Cleavage (pulls a random object out of her cleavage and fiddles with it)

Silvia/Ghost Shot: Spanish military sniper. Gruff and efficient, but not heartless.

Nationality: Spanish

Role: Attack

Weapon: sniper rifle

Nationality: Spanish

Special: Grappling Hook, Explosive Rounds

Ultra: Clear Shot. Damages all exposed enemies or kills one in one shot.

Skins: Natural Camouflage (camo bodypaint), Going Commando (lingerie), Desert Stormer (bandana and desert fatigues)

Emotes: Eyes On You (two fingers point to her eyes, then the camera), Haunting (wiggles her fingers and shouts “Boo!” before laughing), Pole Dance (stripper spins around her rifle)

Anarchy: rough British rebel hired to FPS. Angry and violent by nature and wields all manner of bombs to stun and destroy her foes.

Nationality: British

Role: Attack

Weapon: endless grenades

Special: Glue Bomb, Smoke Bomb

Ultra: Proximity Mine. Throws a heavy-duty explosive on any surface that blows up when any enemy is near.

Skin: Union Jackie (flag pattern bikini), 80s Punk (neon colors and full mohawk), Paintball (paint spattered)

Emotes: Crotch Chop (chops both hands at her crotch), Defusing (lights and suggestively licks a stick of dynamite, just to bite the fuse and douse it) Sticky Bomb (pulls out a glue bomb that gets stuck to her hand, which she comically shakes off)

Duct Tape: a repair man and hacker. Caught and working off jail time. Kind of scrawny geek from New York. provides tactical assistance to his teammates via intel and sabotaging his enemies to set them up.

Nationality: American

Role: Defense

Weapon: Shotgun/laptop

Special: Radar, Hackdown

Ultra: Orbital Strike. Calls down a giant beam from space that slowly moved across the map.

Skins: Super Spy (a classy suit and tie look), Leet Gamer (wears a VR headset, pixelated gamer shirt, and has controllers on his belt), Cyborg (robotic leg and arm)

Emotes: NSFW (loads up a porn site and hurries to close it), Camera Check (cycles through random camera feeds on the map before showing the women's bathroom), Banhammer (types rapidly before a large BANNED hologram appears ahead of him)

Gladiator: righteous power-armor wearing brute with a temper. Called the "Nerfinator" by the fans for his OP damage, health and ability to move most objects around to change the arena.

Nationality: Irish

Role: Tank

Weapon: plasma pistol

Special: Hammer Throw, Plasma Overcharge

Ultra: The Coliseum. Summons a forcefield around him that traps any enemies in close quarters with him.

Skins: Greek (bronze gladiator armor and helmet), Berserker (Celtic warrior loincloth and tattoos), Prizefighter (trunks and boxing gloves)

Emotes: Wild Fire (draws his gun and fires wildly into the air), Refresher (pulls a large mug of beer from behind him and pops his helmet to take a drink), Top O' The Mornin' (removes his helmet and tips it like a hat)

Big Bolt: a big silent robot who only beeps. Dresses in a suit and tie to look stylish, since armor is a waste on him. Scrappy and looking for a good fight.

Nationality: Canadian

Role: Tank

Weapon: fists

Special: Piston Punch, Shield Generator, Limb Damage

Ultra: Lightning Gun. A penetrating beam that wrecks everything in a line, penetrating walls.

Skins: Invader (brightly colored glowing sci fi look), Junker (made of scrap, with exposed parts and steam pistons), PJ (wears pajamas and a nightcap)

Emotes:  CLUNK (a large piston falls out of his fly which he modestly slides back in), Chug (draws and chugs an oil can, crushes it, and tosses it away before wiping off his hands), Voicebox (starts speaking English, acting surprised and exclaiming about how "I got my voice back!" before it sparks and he goes back to beeping)

Bitchbot: contortionist killer robot designed by Japanese ninja. Female build and more humanoid than Big Bolt. Shoots spikes from wrist-mounted guns and stealth-kills enemies. Only programmed for murder, so doesn't understand much else besides fighting. Originally named Lugnut but changed with the edgier update.

Nationality: made in Japan

Role: Defense

Weapon: spike-launcher

Special: Wall Crawl, Poison Shot

Ultra: Full Cloak. Gives a slight damage buff and makes her invisible, even if she takes damage.

Skins: Supervillain (a tight black bodysuit with a mask and high heels), Geishabot (white face paint, fans and kimono), Humanoid (a flesh-colored and more realistic look in street clothes)

Emotes: Blinking (messes with the controls on her arms, disappearing and reappearing), Picking (extends a spike from her wrist just to pick her teeth with it and smirk), Crane (performs a few martial arts strikes before taking a delicately balanced stance)

Skullfucker: bluish zombie soldier. Kind of confused about her motives but knows she's good at fighting. Can pop off her parts to look or shoot around corners. Used to be called Skullcracker before its edgier update, so just called Skullcracker in commercials.

Nationality: Russian

Role: Attack

Weapon: submachine gun

Special: Full Auto, Disjointed Shot, Undead Regen

Ultra: Zombie Mode. Summons several zombie grunts that will randomly seek out and attack enemy units.

Skins: The Bride (Frankenstein stitches and tall hair), Exposed (nothing but a skeleton bra and panties), Voodoo (darker skin with talismans and facepaint on)

Emotes: We're Back (a zombie hand reaches out of the ground and grabs her ankle; she impatiently stomps it back), Gun Show (removed her own hand while it holds her gun, juggling it with her other before reattaching), Itchy (fidgets and removes a random organ from her chest, scratching it and putting it back)

Chainslash: hooded serial killer with a chainsaw. Experimentally part of the team using a control drug, though considered a plothole that he's on the team. Loves blood and fightin'.

Nationality: American

Role: Tank

Weapon: chainsaw

Special: Bull Rush, Grappler

Ultra: Border Breaker. A massive overhead swing of his chainsaw. Can one-shot a character, or can rip down any wall and permanently remove it from the stage.

Skins: Grim Reaper (full hood and robe), Texan (comical cowboy hat, boots moustache), Horrifying (potato sack mask and various horror movie tropes and references on him)

Emotes: Refuel (dumps some gasoline into his chainsaw, just to drink some himself), Mama (takes out a photo of his mom, hugs it and puts it away), Juggle (pulls out two chainsaws and juggles them all)

Dr Dragon: geneticist with a fascination with dragons. Wears them on her robes and has cloned two pet ones for fighting or healing. Obsessive and egotistical.

Nationality: Chinese

Role: Healer

Weapon: laser pistol

Special: Healing Dragon, Fire Dragon

Ultra: Master Dragon. Summons a mini-boss of a giant dragon to the middle of the stage.

Skins: Hybrid (shows a tail, claws and part of her face turned into a dragon), Fantasy (dressed in skimpy fantasy armor bikini), Geisha (white makeup and colorful robes)

Emotes: Come To Mommy (a dragon climbs up her arm and she makes affectionate smooching noises), Burnination (her fire dragon blows a stream of fire, which she catches and manipulates before snuffing it out), Instrumental (sits and plays a Chinese string instrument while her dragons dance to it)

Roadblocker: tall, scrawny, scruffy guy in overalls. Miraculous mechanic from the outback, making brilliant inventions from junk. Hired on for his genius, often maintaining the team's robots.

Nationality: Australian

Role: Defense/Healer

Weapon: nail gun

Special: Barricade, Health Beacon

Ultra: Mortar Barrage. Triggers several long-range cannons to blast a target area from above.

Skins: Wasteland (eyepatch, robotic hand and other battle scars), Steamy (steampunk pipes, gears and clockwork machinery), Lazy (he reclines in a hover chair that moves for him)

Emotes: Nailed It (aims his nail gun, making "pew pew" noises), Comeback (throws a piece of scrap to himself like a boomerang), Skimmer (messes with his tools as a large bag of cash falls out; he grins awkwardly and stows it away)

Shade: heavy black girl and rebellion commander. Wields a massive cannon for her gun. Enemies with Ghost. Didn’t know she had a terrorist backstory.

Nationality: French

Role: Attack

Weapon: tank rifle

Special: Kickback, Piercer

Ultra: Holo Decoy. Shade creates several holographic clones that scatter, dealing lesser damage

Skins: Biker (bandana and leather jacket), Lucha (masked with a leotard), baguette (striped shirt, beret and weapon modded into a giant loaf of bread around it)

Emotes: Twirl (twirls her tank rifle like a pistol), Piledriver (slams her gun into the ground and leaves a crater), Furious (stomps the ground and gives an aggro snarl before thumping her chest)

Bork: cyborg rescue dog. 

Nationality: American

Role: Defense

Weapon: mini turret

Special: Forcefield, Sniffer

Ultra: Dog Tank. Bork’s armor suit folds out into a small but functional tank with a heavy cannon.

Skins: Wild (dirty wolf version), Spirit Animal (white and red with ethereal flames around him), K-9 (fully robotic)

Emotes: Tummy Rubs (rolls onto his back, slightly damaging his gun), Alert (sits and barks loudly until the player makes it stop), Curl Up 

Pocket Rocket: green shortstack alien. Mounts allies in sexy poses to be a pocket medic and portable turret. Sassy, cute, cocky.

Nationality: alien

Role: healer

Weapon: bazooka

Special: Mount Up, Rocket Boost

Ultra: Seeker Shot. Locks on a target and launches a missile that drops smaller explosives as it goes.

Skins: Sugar Skulls (brightly colored candy theme), Tin foil Hat (wearing cardboard and tin foil halloween costume), Big Game (safari hunting outfit)

Emotes: pogo (breaks out her bazooka and pogos on it), Wild Ride (shoots a rocket and flies around on her gun before landing again), Boom Boom (plays with her boobs or ass before making an explosion noise with her mouth) 


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